Examples of Credit Enhancement Agreements in a sentence
Under the Development Program, pursuant to Credit Enhancement Agreements, the Town may also make available to certain developers of lots in the District other portions of the tax increment revenues as set forth in Sections 5.4 and 6.10, subject to further approval by the Town Council (the “Credit Enhancement Agreements”).
Each year, the City Council may adjust the specific amount to be captured and retained for purposes of this Amended TIF, based upon the needs of the Amended District, and the commitments made through Credit Enhancement Agreements, collateral for loan or bond repayment, and the like.
Guidelines for Credit Enhancement Agreements (CEA)A Credit Enhancement Agreement (CEA) within a TIF district will be considered for investment in infrastructure or project financing needs.
Investments from this TIF also include two Credit Enhancement Agreements (CEA’s) with the following: 7a.
Please note that the City approved fifteen TIF’s, with three of these TIFs having separate Credit Enhancement Agreements (CEA) for various projects included in the respective TIF Districts.