Examples of Criminal matters in a sentence
Criminal matters do not necessarily preclude certification, but the failure to answer a question truthfully may result in disqualification.
Criminal matters requiring reporting include an arrest, charge, indictment, information, conviction, plea of guilty or plea of no contest, regardless of whether adjudication is withheld and regardless of whether the criminal matter occurred within or outside the workplace.
Criminal matters involving felonies will also be immediately referred to the Office of Inspector General, Office of Investigations.
Criminal matters will be forwarded to the appropriate investigating authority.
The AD forwards the above information and completed application to the LD for determination of eligibility and outgoing referral where appropriate.7.6 Criminal matters are not covered by the Reciprocal Agreement.
All initial Judicial proceedings shall be first heard at the Trial Court with the subject matter of Civil and Criminal matters assigned to the Civil and Criminal Trial Court and proceedings involving children under the age of eighteen (18) years shall be assigned to the Family Court.
Criminal matters proceed in traditional courts without a tribesperson being afforded any legal representation.
Criminal matters will be reported to the police or other appropriate regulatory authorities.
DRAFTSMAN (CLASS II), LAW & JUDICIARY DEPARTMENT, MANTRALAYA (MAHARASHTRA GOVT) Area of Expertise:Civil and Criminal matters, Constitutional law, Central Acts, State Acts , Govt.
Information obtained under a Mutual Assistance in Criminal matters agreement is prima facie evidence under the 1994 Foreign Evidence Act.