CS Hong Kong definition
Examples of CS Hong Kong in a sentence
CSCL intends to purchase, through its wholly-owned subsidiary, CSCL Hong Kong: (i) 100% equity interest in Dong Fang International, 100% equity interest in CS Nauticgreen and 100% equity interest in Helen Insurance from CS Hong Kong; (ii) 100% equity interest in Long Honour from COSCO Hong Kong; and (iii) 100% equity interest in Florens from COSCO Pacific.
The Issuer will procure that CS Hong Kong will, with effect from the first Business Day following the Exercise Date or the Expiry Date, as the case may be, remove from the Register the name of the person in respect of the Warrants which (i) are the subject of a valid exercise in accordance with these Product Conditions whether pursuant to an Exercise Notice or automatic exercise; or (ii) have expired worthless, and thereby cancel the relevant Warrants.
Such consideration was determined after arm’s length negotiations between CS Container, CS Hong Kong and COSCO Pacific with reference to (amongst others) the valuation of RMB7,632.4553 million at the Reference Date.
Principal Terms Date of Agreement: 11 December 2015 Parties: (1) CS Container (as the Vendor); (2) CS Hong Kong (as the Vendor), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the CS Company, the controlling shareholder of CS Container; and (3) COSCO Pacific (as the Purchaser).
The Issuer will procure that CS Hong Kong will, with effect from the first Business Day following the Exercise Date or the Expiry Date, as the case may be, removefrom the Register the name of the person in respect of the Warrants which (i) are the subject of a valid exercise in accordance with these Product Conditions whether pursuant to an Exercise Notice or automatic exercise; or (ii) have expired worthless, and thereby cancel the relevant Warrants.
THE TRANSACTION CONSTITUTES A CONNECTED TRANSACTION CS Company, the counterparty of CSCL for the acquisition of assets, is the controlling shareholder of CSCL, while Guangzhou Maritime, Shanghai Shipping and CS Hong Kong CSCL are under the common control of CS Company.
On 11 December 2015, CS Hong Kong produced a resolution of its board of directors approving (i) the transfer of its 100% equity interest in Dong Fang International to CSCL Hong Kong; (ii) the transfer of its 100% equity interest in CS Nauticgreen to CSCL Hong Kong; and (iii) the transfer of its 100% equity interest in Helen Insurance to CSCL Hong Kong.
As at the date of this announcement, the original acquisition cost for CS Hong Kong in respect of the CS Finance Equity was RMB0.24 billion, representing the capital contribution for the CS Finance Equity made by CS Company and CS Guangzhou.Based on the consolidated financial statements of CS Finance for the year ended 31 December 2014 prepared in accordance with the HKFRS, the consolidated net assets of CS Finance as at 31 December 2014 were RMB1,082,124,000.
In August 2005, CS Hong Kong acquired the remaining 80% shareholding in CSPD from China Shipping Terminal Development Co., Ltd.* ( 中 海 碼 頭 發 展 有 限 公 司 ), a wholly-owned subsidiary of CSPD as at the date of the announcement, for a consideration of HK$8,000,000, as a result of which CSPD became a wholly-owned subsidiary of CS Hong Kong.
Any payment to be made under this Clause 22.23(c) will be made by banker’s draft or electronic funds transfer to such bank account as the relevant party shall notify to the other for this purpose or by such other method as CS Hong Kong and the Relevant Vendor may agree in writing.