Sweden definition
Examples of Sweden in a sentence
The Issuer is thelargest bank in Denmark, is one of the larger banks in Finland and Northern Ireland, and has challenger positions in Sweden and Norway.
Swaziland Standard Bank Swaziland Ltd Sweden Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken Switzerland Credit Suisse Taiwan Standard Chartered Bank (Taiwan) Ltd.
For Sellers delivering Products or performing Services outside of the U.S., unless specifically authorized in writing by Buyer, Seller shall not contact, either directly or indirectly, public officials of any country other than the U.S., United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Germany, France, or Italy in furtherance of its performance on behalf of Buyer under this Order.
Consequently, the National Agency of Sweden or the European Commission shall not entertain any request for indemnity of reimbursement accompanying such claim.
Issuing Agent: The Issuing Agent means SEB Merchant Banking, Asset Servicing, S-106 40 Stockholm, Sweden, or any successor in this capacity.