Cultural equity definition

Cultural equity means values, policies, and practices that ensure all people, especially those who have been historically marginalized based on race, ethnicity, language, disability, age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, social class, intersections among these communities or identities, or other socially determined circumstances are considered in the development of social pathways to health equity.
Cultural equity means [the embodiment of values, policies, and practices that ensure that all people, especially those who have been historically marginalized based on race, ethnicity, language, disability, age,

Examples of Cultural equity in a sentence

  • Cultural equity embodies the values, policies, and practices that ensure that all people are represented in the policies that support the preservation of everyone's history in Arizona.

  • If you would like to provide a table or chart regarding the results of your project instead of writing text here, please include in the attachments section.• Cultural equity and opportunity.

  • Cultural equity is essential to a sustainable arts and cultural sector and a vibrant and thriving community.

  • Displaced in the past five (5) years, since January 1, 2012, and have not yet secured a new lease of three (3) years or more.2. Facing displacement over the next 12-18 month period from May 31, 2017.3. Financial hardship and need.4. Cultural equity, cultural preservation, and geographic equity.

  • The ten-dimension structure of KIDSCREEN-52 was tested using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA).Study 3 (Chapter 6) – Data were analysed using non-parametric analyses as the data was non-normally distributed.

  • Clearly a lot of thought and work has gone into the Arts Commissions statement on Cultural equity.

  • Holes for rail join fasteners to be made with drill bit XRAIL-TR-401 and drill fixture XRAIL-TR-402.⚠ Due to the Rail Joiner, brackets cannot be located within 78mm of the rail end.

  • Cultural equity is a huge value of my Commission and my personal performance is based on our efforts and trying to make sure we have a diverse collection.

  • Cultural equity, as noted in the themes of community engagement, is a priority for Sacramentans.

  • Cultural equity and history are strongly connected in Sacramento.

Related to Cultural equity

  • Cultural resources means archaeological and historic sites and artifacts, and traditional religious, ceremonial and social uses and activities of affected Indian tribes.

  • Cultural means relating to the habits, practices, beliefs, and traditions of a certain group of people.

  • Cultural Competency means the ability to recognize, respect, and address the unique needs, worth, thoughts, communications, actions, customs, beliefs and values that reflect an individual’s racial, ethnic, religious, sexual orientation, and/or social group.

  • agricultural holding means a portion of land not less than 0.8 hectares in extent used solely or mainly for the purpose of agriculture, horticulture or for breeding or keeping domesticated animals, poultry or bees;

  • Cultural Competence means the ability to recognize and respond to health-related beliefs and cultural values, disease incidence and prevalence, and treatment efficacy. Examples of cultural competent care include striving to overcome cultural, language, and communications barriers, providing an environment in which individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds feel comfortable discussing their cultural health beliefs and practices in the context of negotiating treatment options, encouraging individuals to express their spiritual beliefs and cultural practices, and being familiar with and respectful of various traditional healing systems and beliefs and, where appropriate, integrating these approaches into treatment plans.

  • Cultural facility means any publicly owned or operated museum, theater, art center, music hall, or other cultural or arts facility.

  • RSC means the Regional Security Coordinator(s) (RSC(s)) appointed for CCR Hansa, unless it is explicitly otherwise stated, according to Article 77(1)(a) of the SO Regulation that will perform the tasks allocated to this(these) RSC(s) according to Article 77(1)(c)(i) of the SO Regulation;

  • Agricultural operations means the growing and harvesting of crops or the raising of fowl or animals for the primary purpose of making a profit, providing a livelihood, or conducting agricultural research or instruction by an educational institution. Agricultural operations do not include activities involving the processing or distribution of crops or fowl.

  • Graduate medical education and disproportionate share fund or “GME/DSH fund” means a reimbursement fund developed as an adjunct reimbursement methodology to directly reimburse qualifying hospitals for the direct and indirect costs associated with the operation of graduate medical education programs and the costs associated with the treatment of a disproportionate share of poor, indigent, nonreimbursed or nominally reimbursed patients for inpatient services.

  • Agricultural operation means an agricultural, aquacultural, horticultural or silvicultural operation that is carried on in the expectation of gain or reward.

  • Michigan economic development corporation means the public body corporate created under section 28 of article VII of the state constitution of 1963 and the urban cooperation act of 1967, 1967 (Ex Sess) PA 7, MCL 124.501 to 124.512, by a contractual interlocal agreement effective April 5, 1999, as amended, between local participating economic development corporations formed under the economic development corporations act, 1974 PA 338, MCL 125.1601 to 125.1636, and the Michigan strategic fund. If the Michigan economic development corporation is unable for any reason to perform its duties under this act, those duties may be exercised by the Michigan strategic fund.

  • Agricultural waste means biomass waste materials capable of decomposition that are produced from the

  • Objective medical evidence means reports of examinations or treatments; medical

  • Agricultural production means the commercial production of food or fiber.

  • Environmental and Social Management Framework or “ESMF” means an instrument satisfactory to the Association, prepared and adopted by the Recipient and dated February 5, 2010 outlining the process for management of the environmental and social aspects of the Project as the same may be amended from time to time with the Association’s prior written concurrence.

  • Agricultural purposes ’ means purposes normally or otherwise reasonably associated with the use of land for agricultural activities, including the use of land for structures, buildings and dwelling units reasonably necessary for or related to

  • agricultural produce means any produce of the soil, of stock farming or of fisheries;

  • Agricultural burning means open outdoor fires used in agricultural operations in the growing of crops or raising of fowl or animals, or open outdoor fires used in forest management, range improvement, or the improvement of land for wildlife and game habitat, or disease or pest prevention.

  • Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework or “IPPF” means the indigenous peoples planning framework for the Investment Program, including any update thereto, agreed between the Borrower and ADB and incorporated by reference in the FFA;

  • Transit-oriented development means infrastructure improvements that are located within 1/2 mile of a transit station or transit-oriented facility that promotes transit ridership or passenger rail use as determined by the board and approved by the municipality in which it is located.

  • agricultural products means the products listed in Annex I to the Treaty, with the exception of fishery products, as well as cotton;

  • Distribution Compliance Period means the period that ends 40 days after the completion of the distribution of each Tranche of Notes, as certified by the relevant Dealer (in the case of a non-syndicated issue) or the relevant Lead Manager (in the case of a syndicated issue);

  • Agricultural producer means a person that engages or wishes to engage or intends to engage in the business of producing and marketing agricultural produce in this state.

  • Earned value management system means an earned value management system that complies with the earned value management system guidelines in the ANSI/EIA-748.

  • Agricultural purpose means a purpose related to the production, harvest, exhibition, marketing, transportation, processing, or manufacture of agricultural products by a natural person who cultivates, plants, propagates or nurtures the agricultural products. "Agricultural products" includes agricultural, horticultural, viticultural, and dairy products, livestock, wildlife, poultry, bees, forest products, fish and shellfish, and any products thereof, including processed and manufactured products, and any and all products raised or produced on farms and any processed or manufactured products thereof.

  • SBD means Standard Bidding Documents.