Examples of Current Accounts in a sentence
Our rights to close your account are set out in the General Terms and Conditions for Current Accounts and Savings Accounts.
For further information and how we provide you with information on transactions on your account please refer to the General Terms and Conditions for Current Accounts and Savings Accounts.Going paper-freeYou’ll receive your documents and statements by post unless you chose paper-free when you applied for your product or have switched to paper-free since opening your account.
For more information on any of these including details on when payments clear please refer to your General Terms and Conditions for Current Accounts and Savings Accounts, or ask a member of staff.
The Bank may at its discretion open deposit accounts other than Current Accounts of illiterate person.
We’ll communicate any changes to our Specific Conditions as set out in Condition 15.7 in Section 2A of the General Terms and Conditions for Current Accounts and Savings Accounts.