Current or former employer definition

Current or former employer means a county board, nonpublic school, or any other entity through which an individual had direct contact with minors.

Examples of Current or former employer in a sentence

  • Current or former employer; disclosure of information; immunity from civil liability; consent; form; period valid; applicability of section.

  • Declaration of Condominium - Section 13 for more information about forms of ownership and transfers.First (of primary) applicant: (Last, Middle, First Name) Full Name: E-Mail: Current home address: City/State/Postal code: Number years at this address: Current or former employer (if retired): Telephone Contact Information: Home: / Work: / Cell: Second applicant (Last, Middle.

  • First Name) Full Name: E-Mail: Relationship to first applicant: Current home address: City/State/Postal code: Number years at this address: Current or former employer (if retired): Telephone Contact Information: Home: / Work: / Cell: List the names and relationships of all persons who will occupy your Unit in addition to the applicant(s) listed above: Name: Relationship: Age (if minor): Name: Relationship: Age (if minor): Name: Relationship: Age (if minor): Other Information 1.

  • Current or former employer or co-worker you have known for at least one year, or someone from your school if you are a student; AND3.

Related to Current or former employer

  • Former Employees means a former member of management of Icahn Enterprises (or any of its Subsidiaries (including any Guarantors)), other than the Principal, who voluntarily or upon any other termination is no longer employed by any of Icahn Enterprises or any of its Subsidiaries (including any Guarantors) and who holds Equity Interests that are required to be redeemed or purchased pursuant to any contractual requirements upon such termination of employment.

  • Former Employee means an individual who has severed employment with the Employer or an Affiliated Employer.

  • Related Companies means the companies within the meaning of Article L. 225-197-2 of the French Commercial Code or any provision substituted for same.

  • Company Employee Benefit Plan means each Employee Benefit Plan that is maintained, sponsored or contributed to (or required to be contributed to) by any of the Group Companies or under or with respect to which any of the Group Companies has any Liability.

  • Welfare Benefit Plan means each welfare benefit plan maintained or contributed to by the Company, including, but not limited to a plan that provides health (including medical and dental), life, accident or disability benefits or insurance, or similar coverage, in which Executive was participating at the time of the Change in Control.

  • Affiliated Entities means any legal entity, including any corporation, limited liability company, partnership, not-for-profit corporation, estate planning vehicle or trust, which is directly or indirectly owned or controlled by the Stockholder or his or her descendants or spouse, of which such Stockholder or his or her descendants or spouse are beneficial owners, or which is under joint control or ownership with any other person or entity subject to a lock-up agreement regarding the Common Stock with terms substantially identical to this Agreement.

  • Company Employee Plan means any plan, program, policy, practice, contract, agreement or other arrangement providing for compensation, severance, termination pay, deferred compensation, performance awards, stock or stock-related awards, fringe benefits or other employee benefits or remuneration of any kind, whether written or unwritten or otherwise, funded or unfunded, including without limitation, each "employee benefit plan," within the meaning of Section 3(3) of ERISA which is or has been maintained, contributed to, or required to be contributed to, by the Company or any Affiliate for the benefit of any Employee, or with respect to which the Company or any Affiliate has or may have any liability or obligation;

  • Company Employees shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6.10(a).

  • Company Employee Plans has the meaning set forth in Section 3.12(a).

  • Related Company means any entity that is directly or indirectly controlled by, in control of or under common control with the Company.

  • Affiliated Companies shall include any company controlled by, controlling or under common control with the Company.

  • Affiliated Employer means any corporation which is a member of a controlled group of corporations (as defined in Code Section 414(b)) which includes the Employer; any trade or business (whether or not incorporated) which is under common control (as defined in Code Section 414(c)) with the Employer; any organization (whether or not incorporated) which is a member of an affiliated service group (as defined in Code Section 414(m)) which includes the Employer; and any other entity required to be aggregated with the Employer pursuant to Regulations under Code Section 414(o).

  • Other Employees means, all the employees other than the Directors, KMPs and the Senior Management Personnel.

  • Current Employees has the meaning set forth in Section 6.4(a).

  • Seller Employee Plan means any plan, program, policy, practice, Contract or other arrangement providing for compensation, severance, termination pay, deferred compensation, performance awards, stock or stock-related awards, fringe benefits or other employee benefits or remuneration of any kind, whether written, unwritten or otherwise, funded or unfunded, including each “employee benefit plan,” within the meaning of Section 3(3) of ERISA (whether or not ERISA is applicable to such plan), that is or has been maintained, contributed to, or required to be contributed to, by the Seller or any Seller Affiliate for the benefit of any Seller Employee, or with respect to which the Seller or any Seller Affiliate has or may have any liability or obligation, except such definition shall not include any Seller Employee Agreement.

  • Related Employer means the Employer and (a) any corporation that is a member of a controlled group of corporations as defined in Code Section 414(b) that includes the Employer and (b) any trade or business that is under common control as defined in Code Section 414(c) that includes the Employer.

  • Company Benefit Plans has the meaning set forth in Section 3.16(a).

  • Parent Employee Plan means any plan, program, policy, practice, contract, agreement or other arrangement providing for compensation, severance, termination pay, performance awards, stock or stock-related awards, fringe benefits or other employee benefits or remuneration of any kind, whether written or unwritten or otherwise, funded or unfunded, including without limitation, each "EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN," within the meaning of Section 3(3) of ERISA which is maintained, contributed to, or required to be contributed to, by Parent or any Affiliate for the benefit of any Parent Employee;

  • Associated Companies : means any agent with delegated authority under Section 20 of these Terms and Conditions.

  • Affiliated Company means any company controlled by, controlling or under common control with the Company.

  • Company Benefit Plan has the meaning specified in Section 4.13(a).

  • Employees Stock Option” means the option given to the directors, officers or employees of a company or of its holding company or subsidiary company or companies, if any, which gives such directors, officers or employees, the benefit or right to purchase, or to subscribe for, the shares of the company at a future date at a pre-determined price.

  • Affiliated employee means any individual employed by a recipient who receives compensation directly from government assistance or a contract with the District of Columbia government, including any employee of a contractor or subcontractor of a recipient who performs services pursuant to government assistance or a contract. The term “affiliated employee” does not include those individuals who perform only intermittent or incidental services with respect to the government assistance or contract, or who are otherwise employed by the contractor, recipient or subcontractor.

  • Employee Benefit Plans shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.20(a).

  • Company Employee means any current or former employee, independent contractor or director of the Company or any Company Affiliate.

  • Predecessor Employer means the South Shore District Health Authority, South West Nova District Health Authority, Annapolis Valley District Health Authority, Colchester East Hants Health Authority, Cumberland Health Authority, Pictou County Health Authority, Guysborough Antigonish Strait Health Authority, Cape Breton District Health Authority and Capital District Health Authority.