Designated Employee means an employee who has been designated by the school to receive complaints of hazing, harassment and bullying pursuant to subdivision 16 V.S.A. 570a(a)(7). The designated employees for each school building are identified in Appendix A of this policy.
Key Employee means any executive-level employee (including, division director and vice president-level positions) as well as any employee who, either alone or in concert with others, develops, invents, programs, or designs any Company Intellectual Property (as defined in the Purchase Agreement).
Excluded Employee means an employee as defined in section 3527, subd. (b) of the Government Code (Ralph C. Dills Act) except those excluded employees who are designated managerial pursuant to section 18801.1 of the Government Code.
Affiliated Company means any company controlled by, controlling or under common control with the Company.
Term Employee means an employee hired for a specific term of employment. The term of employment may be based on a specific period of time or the completion of a specific job or until the occurrence of a specified event.
Non-Key Employee means any Employee who is not a Key Employee.
Fixed term employee means a person engaged for a specified term or for the duration of a specified task in accordance with section 37(3)(b) of the State Service Act 2000.