Examples of Current transactions in a sentence
A grievance is a claim based upon an event or condition which involved a misinterpretation, direct violation(s) or a misapplication(s) of the specific provisions of this Agreement.
Current transactions are those usually carried out by a company as part of its activities:• Relating to its ordinary course of business;• Or subject to contracts comparable to those entered into by any other operator in the same situation.To assess whether transactions are of a current nature in the Group and whether their terms and conditions are normal, the Group relies on case law and on the CNCC Study.
Current transactions include administrative costs paid by the Parent on behalf of the Company and other costs allocated from the Parent to the Company, totaling $10,226,426 and $3,411,935 in 2004 and 2003, respectively.
KINDS OF FOREIGN EXSCHANGE TRANSACTIONS The foreign exchange transactions are usually put into four categories: Current transactions, Capital transactions, Short term financial transactions, and Working balances.
Current transactions on the Internet use a credit card number over an SSL link.