AND TRANSFERS. Seniority An employee shall have Complex Seniority equal to the total time accumulated in the ser- vice of the Company in each and all of the job classifications listed in Schedule Section Seniority shall be the total time accu- mulated in each of the maintenance trade sec- tions (Electrical, Instrumentation, Metal Crafts and Rotating), Plant Operations Section (including Utility Operations), Field Operations Section (including Compressor Operations) and Safety Section. For the purposes of pro- motion and layoff, Section Seniority which has been accumulated only in the section where the promotion or layoff is to be made will be taken into account. Employees shall lose their Complex and Section Seniority standing if they voluntarily terminate their employment with the Company, or if discharged for cause and not reinstated pursuant to the provisions of Article Employees that have been or are transferred or promoted to any position outside the Bargaining Unit will lose all Waterton Section Seniority earned prior to the date of transfer or promotion. As an exception to this paragraph, those employees at the Waterton Complex holding positions outside the Bargaining Unit on February shall retain Section Seniority earned prior to their promotion until such time as they either transfer from the Complex to another location or termi- nate their employment with the Company. Seniority Lists shall be posted by the Company on an annual basis or whenever significant changes occur. When in the Company’s judgment a Lead Operator vacancy needs to be filled on a regu- lar basis, the appointment shall be made within sixty (60) days. In cases of promotions (not covered by Job Progression Article XI), the Company will first consider the employee who, in the Company’s judgment is best qualified for the job. Where, in the Company’s judgment, the qualifications of two or more employees are equal, the employ- ee with the greater or greatest Section Seniority shall receive the preference, unless Section Seniority is not applicable or is equal, in which case the employee with the greater or greatest Complex Seniority shall receive the preference. Where a temporary vacancy for shift work is created by vacation, injury, leave of absence, sickness or emergency, selection shall be, at Company discretion, first applied to those per- sonnel of the particular shift in which the cy occurs. Experience gained by employees filling such temporary vacancies shall not work to the disadvantage of o...
AND TRANSFERS. (a) For the purposes of this Article, the home port of an Employee and the home port of the vessel aboard which he is regularly employed shall be one and the same, provided that at the date of entering this Agreement, his home port shall be the port which has normally been regarded as the home port of When an Employee is dispatched to or discharged from a vessel away from his home port the Company will provide travel insurance of for each Employee and will be responsible for his transportation, wages and board and lodging costs until such time as he is returned to his home port. In the event that it becomes necessary to change the home port of a vessel on a permanent basis (e.g. Victoria Vancouver transfer), an Employee who has been regularly employed on the vessel may be requested to transfer to the new home port, in which case the Company shall be responsible for all reasonable costs incurred in moving and relocating his family and belongings. In the event that the Employee chooses not to move he shall have the option of: remaining with the vessel and bearing his own transportation, travel, board and lodging costs (if Exercising his rights of seniority under Article
AND TRANSFERS. When a job vacancy occurs or a job is created, notice shall be posted within seven calendar days at the appropriate locations, including all bulletin boards, for a period of ten calendar days and a copy of the notice shall be sent to the Union. Upon request, an employee shall receive a true copy of his application for a vacant position. Should an employee withdraw his application within fourteen calendar days of being awarded a position, the next most senior qualified applicant who had applied for the vacancy, will be awarded the position. This will only apply where the employee has not yet commenced work in the position. The notice shall set out the classification, location, title, hourly rate of pay, normal starting and quitting times, and the job description shall be available on request from the Human Resources Department. The Hospital agrees to applications for future vacancies in filling vacancies or newly created positions involving job postings. These applications will be retained for a period of three months. A separate application must be made for each position desired. Applications shall include the position applied for, shift and department. The Hospital agrees to forward a copy of the application to the Union office. In filling job vacancies (promotions, transfers, new positions, etc.) the job shall be award-n calendar days following the end of the ten calendar posting period. The job shall be awarded to the most senior he has the required qualifications to the job.’ the Hospital questions a senior applicant’s “ability to do the and where this employee is otherwise qualified, the Hospital agrees to provide this employee with a ninety day trial period during which he shall have the opportunity to demonstrate his ability to perform the job. The Hospital may, at any time within the ninety day period, return said employee to his former position. If no applicant meets the required qualifications, the Hospital shall be required to from outside the bargaining unit. The employee awarded the job may be returned to his former position at any time by the Hospital within a ninety calendar day period after his appointment, if said employee cannot satisfactorily perform the job. The employee involved may also decide to return to his former position, but no sooner than forty-five calendar days after his appointment, days. and no later than ninety calendar When said employee returns to his former position, he shall be placed on the salary step based on his ac...
AND TRANSFERS. (a) Subject to the criteria established in Article of this Collective Agreement, an applicant for regular employment who has experience with the Employer as a Casual Employee within the bargaining unit shall be given preference over external applicants. The Employer shall post the name of the successful candidate in accordance with Article Casual Employees who transfer to regular full-time or part-time employment with the Employer shall be credited with the following entitlements earned during her casual period of employment provided not more than six (6) months have elapsed since she last worked for the Employer: vacation entitlement; and the total accumulation of regular hours worked for the purpose of incrementaladvancement pursuant to Article er When a Casual Employee is assigned by their immediate Supervisor to replace another Employee in a higher paid within this Collective Agreement for two (2) consecutive hours or , she shall be paid the Basic Rate of Pay for the classification in which Employee is relieving, providing she is qualified to perform substantive duties of the higher paid classification. When a ,Casual Employee is required temporarily to perform the duties of a lower paid classification, her Basic Rate of Pay will not be changed.
AND TRANSFERS. (a) The Employer shall post at the sites, notices of vacant positions within the bargaining unit not less than ten (10) calendar days in advance of making an appointment. A copy of all shall be forwarded to the Union. The posting shall contain the following information: qualifications required; employment status; classification; range of rate of pay;
AND TRANSFERS. (a) When the Employer decides to create a new job, the Employer shall place notices of such new jobs (for a minimum of five (5) working days) in all schools in which Educational Assistants are employed. No outside applications for any vacancy shall be considered until the applications of present bargaining unit members have been fully processed. The parties agree that transfers may not be affected until the start of the next school year. When a position becomes vacant or a new one is created between June and September of the school year, it shall be filled by a regular employee on a temporary basis until the end of the next school year. The employee shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this Collective Agreement. The Educational Assistant hired or transferred will be notified that their placement is temporary, subject to the provision of this Article. A copy of all positions that are filled shall be immediately forwarded to the union. If an employee is currently working in a half- time position or in two half-time positions and a full-time position becomes available in one of the schools in which the employee is working, the employee may request the position.
AND TRANSFERS. A. The Board recognizes that It Is desirable In making assignments to consider the Interests and aspirations of Its teachers. Requests by a teacher for transfer to different class, building, or position shall be made In writing on forms furnished by the Board, one copy of which shall be filed with the superintendent, and one copy sha11 be flied with the Association. The application sha11 set forth the reasons for transfer, the school, grade, or position sou~t, and the applicant's academic qualifications. Such request shal I be revIewed once each year to assure actIve consIderatIon by the Board.
AND TRANSFERS. A. The Board recognizes that it is desirable in making assignments to consider the interests and aspirations of its teachers. Requests by a teacher for transfer to a different class, building or position shall be made in writing, one copy of which shall be filed with the Superintendent. The application shall set forth the reasons for transfer, the school, grade or position sought, and the applicant's academic qualifications. Such request shall be renewed once each year to assure active consideration by the Board. Acknowledgement in writing of receipt of such requests shall be given to the applicant.
AND TRANSFERS. Employees who terminate their and are rehired into the classificationwhich they left within one year, shall be at the step on the wage grid which. they were at when they terminated. Employees will be required to receive one (1)day of orientation in line with Article and shalt the probationary period as set out in Article Upon completion of the probationary period, seniority and service accrue from date of last hire. If an employee requests a transfer to another the request shall be granted if there is a vacancy. vacancy shall be subject to the posting procedure. An employee rehired or transferred to another location shall report on a mutually agreed date. An employee who transfers to any Nursing Home covered by this Collective shall retain all of first hiring. The employee shall retain credit for sick days and vacation pay. The employee, when reporting to the new Nursing Home, shall be subject to the following:
AND TRANSFERS. Employees who terminate their employment and are rehired into the classification which they left within one (1) year, shall be paid at the step on the wage grid which they were at when they terminated. Employees will be required to receive one (1) day of orientation in line with Article and shall serve the probationary period as set out in Article Upon completion of the probationary period, seniority and service will accrue from date of last hire. If an employee requests a transfer to another Nursing Home, the request shall be granted if there is a vacancy. The vacancy shall be subject to the posting procedure. An employee rehired or transferred to another location shall report on a mutually agreed date. COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT Between Central Care Corporation (Inter-city) April March Page An employee who transfers to any Nursing Home covered by this Collective Agreement shall retain all seniority the date of first hiring. The employee shall retain credit for sick days and vacation pay. The employee, when reporting to the new Nursing Home, shall be subject to the following: