Custom Election definition
Examples of Custom Election in a sentence
List” means the list of electors eligible to vote in a Band Election, as prepared by the Electoral Officer in accordance with these Custom Election Rules.
For the purpose of these Custom Election Rules the following rules shall apply to the calculation of time and matters of interpretation with respect to the calculation of time shall be the responsibility of the Electoral Officer: a) When calculating clear days, the first and last day shall be excluded.
THE POLL 23.1 Subject to Rule 24.8, the Poll shall be held conducted by Electronic Voting during the Voting Window determined by the Electoral Officer in accordance with these Custom Election Rules.
As the Stellat’en First Nation Electoral Officer I am responsible for managing and executing all pre-electoral, electoral and post-electoral processes and procedures included in the Stellat’en First Nation Custom Election Code.
Gitxaala Nation Custom Election Code and agree that any violation of this declaration shall render me liable to dismissal from my duties.
Councillor”, “Councillors”) means a member or members of Council (E-giigdowaad) elected in accordance with the Nipissing First Nation Custom Election Regulations and First Nation Law.
However, absences are sometimes unavoidable and shall be managed in accordance with the appropriate section of the current AFN Custom Election Bylaws.
The Algonquin Negotiation Team consists of the Chief and Council of the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation, who are elected under the Pikwakanagan Custom Election Code, and one representative from each of the nine other Algonquin communities, each of whom is elected by the enrolled Algonquin voters of each community for a three-year term.
Main ResponsibilityTo conduct the by-election of one (1) position for Councillor of the Lower Nicola Indian Band, for the three-year term commencing on April 23rd, 2017, in accordance with the Lower Nicola Indian Band Custom Election Rules.
Chief and Council are members of the Nipissing First Nation elected in accordance with the Nipissing First Nation Custom Election Regulations and who have the political and legal mandate from its electorate to establish a public service organization by enacting appropriate and binding human resources management policies.