Examples of Customer Prepayments in a sentence
Unobligated Balances are the resulting annual net of Customer Prepayments, Customer revenues and Congressional funding, less Capital Improvements, RRADs (Capital and Non-Capital), O&M and HQ Expense executed in the fiscal year.
Transmission Line 6/21/2011 § 7.5 of LGIP 8 Provision of Security to Interconnecting Transmission Owner pursuant to Section 11.5 of LGIA Interconnection Customer Pre-payments due* a.
As of the Petition Date, the Debtors do not hold any funds related to Customer Prepayments for work that has not yet been performed.
However, the Debtors’ books and records reflect approximately $61.1 million in deferred revenue arising from receipt of Customer Prepayments that have not yet been recognized as revenue under applicable revenue recognition accounting principles.
The Debtors’ books and records reflect approximately $61.1 million in deferred revenue arising from receipt of Customer Prepayments that have not yet been recognized as revenue under applicable revenue recognition accounting principles.