Examples of D eclaration in a sentence
D eclaration of Compliance of Order (Public Procurement No.1, 2 & 3) dtd 23 Jul 2020 & 24 Jul 2020 on R estrictions under Rule 144 (xi) of the General Financial Rules (GFRs), 2017 This declaration must form part of all tenders & it contains general information and serves as a declaration form for all bidders.
As more fully stated in its articles of incorporation, the Co-op is organized and shall be operated for the primary and mutual benefit of its owners as ultimate consumers.
An Eligible Bidder shall submit the duly filled and signed Bid Application Form attachedvide A nnexure 2 (“Bid Form”), and the duly filled and signed D eclaration by Biddersattached vide Annexure 3 (“Declaration”)The following information, documents and authorizations are required to be submitted as part of the Bid Application Form by the bidder (s):a.
T he Government of Ontario has also extended the D eclaration of E mergency until J une 30, 2 020 and most emergency orders have been extended until J une 30, 2 020 a list of which can be here.
D eclaration of surplus property – In order to maximize the value of anyproperty no longer needed by a department, it is important to identify and report the property as surplus as soon as possible.
All copies of Shipper’s Export Declarationsth a t are required to be presented to a customs office shall be presented a t the port of export.(b) D eclaration as export control docum ent.
D eclaration by the Tenderer : This is to certify that I/We before signing this tender have read and fullyunderstood all the terms and conditions contained herein and undertake myself/ourselves to abide by them.
Projects or persons that diminish the values expressed in the Universal D eclaration of Human Rights in any way will be excluded.
Bringing Them Home: Report of the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children and their Families, 1997.1999 UNSW Law Journal 619 adm inistration o f am endm ents to the N T A ; the Prim e M in ister’s pub lication o f a preferred pream ble; and the C ou n cil for A boriginal R eco n c ilia tio n ’s d ecisio n to p roceed w ith a N ation al D eclaration o f R econ ciliation .
Arthroscopy shaver attachments Compatible with Stryker shaverUnit priceFinancial Bid to be uploaded in BOQ format in CPP Portal D eclaration of Bid SecurityAnnuxure - XII ToThe DirectorAIIMS Nagpur – 441108 Dear Madam/Sir, I/We Mr./Ms. Authorized person to sign the bid document for Tender for at AIIMS, Nagpur do here by declare that I/we have gone through the entire tender documents including terms and conditions mentioned in the tender document and undertake to comply with them.