Examples of Declarations in a sentence
In addition to any other limitations on specific Benefits that are described in the Schedule of Benefits, Benefits also are subject to any Deductible described in the Declarations.
NonrenewaCl ontract Number: C031823 may occur if the Group allows enrollment to fall below the amount specified in Item 2Veonfdor Number: V025357 the Declarations.
The rights of each Subscriber to receive Benefits are outlined in this Contract and the Declarations attached to this Contract.
Delta Dental shall not be obligated to payCaonntyraDct eRdequucistiitibonleNumber: CR062000 indicated in the Declarations, in whole or in part, during the term of this ContractV.endor Number: V025357 The Deductible for Dental Procedures provided by Delta Dental PPO Providers is $25 per Subscriber and per Covered Dependent, per Benefit Accumulation Period.
Delta Dental’s obligation for orthodontic Benefits is limited to the Benefit Accumulation Period maximum specified in this Item of the Declarations.