DA definition
Examples of DA in a sentence
MM/DD/YYYY LOSS_MIT_APPR_DATE The Date The Loss Mitigation Was Approved By The Servicer MM/DD/YYYY LOSS_MIT_TYPE The Type Of Loss Mitigation Approved For A Loan Such As; LOSS_MIT_EST_COMP_DATE The Date The Loss Mitigation /Plan Is Scheduled To End/Close MM/DD/YYYY LOSS_MIT_ACT_COMP_DATE The Date The Loss Mitigation Is Actually Completed MM/DD/YYYY FRCLSR_APPROVED_DATE The date DA Admin sends a letter to the servicer with instructions to begin foreclosure proceedings.
DA RegionsFlorida’s DA network is divided into four geographical regions, each served by a field team led by a regional executive director (RED).
Through a data-driven planning and problem-solving process, DA field teams collaborate with district leadership to design, implement, and refine strategic goals and action plans that are documented in the SIP.
For more information, please refer to the FCC Order involving the Nassau County Board of Cooperative Educational Services (DA 02-3365 , released December 6, 2002).
DA CategoriesAt the start of each academic year, traditional schools are classified for DA support in two categories based on the most recent school grades data available.