ER definition
Examples of ER in a sentence
PPO Deductible and Out-of-Pocket In-Network Out-of-Network Individual $400 $800 Family(Aggregate) $800 $1600 Out-of-Pocket Limit (deductible included) Individual $1200 $2400 Family (Aggregate) $2400 $4800 The deductible applies to all services except ER, office visits and wellness.
The existing “PPOBlue” plan shall remain in effect, including, but not limited to, all of the following:: Specialist Office Visit: $30 co-payment Physician Office Visits: $30 co-payment ER: $100 co-payment Out-of-Network Deductibles: $500 individual, $1000 family (effective July 1, 2022) Max $2,000 individual, $4,000 family Beginning July 1, 2022, prescription co-payments $10/$40/$80 (generic/ preferred formulary/ non-preferred formulary).
The MCO remains responsible for all other provider-administered drugs, such as those provided as part of an inpatient stay, a bundled ER visit, or administered vaccinations.
Methods may include, but not be limited to, review of focus group and survey findings, analysis of utilization, complaints and grievances, PCP change requests, out-of-network referrals and ER usage.