Healing arts screening means the testing of human beings using x-ray machines for the detection or evaluation of health indications when such tests are not specifically and individually ordered by a licensed practitioner of the healing arts legally authorized to prescribe such x-ray tests for the purpose of diagnosis or treatment.
COVID-19 symptoms means fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, or diarrhea, unless a licensed health care professional determines the person’s symptoms were caused by a known condition other than COVID-19.
Disinfection profile means a summary of daily Giardia lamblia inactivation through the treatment plant. The procedure for developing a disinfection profile is contained in s. NR 810.32.
Filter means material placed in the useful beam to preferentially absorb selected radiations.
Health screening means the use of one or more diagnostic tools to test a person for the presence or precursors of a particular disease.
Dialysis solution means either the commercially available, unopened, sterile solutions whose
Screening means the process to determine whether the person seeking assistance needs further comprehensive assessment.
Diatomaceous earth filtration means a process resulting in substantial particulate removal in which (1) a precoat cake of diatomaceous earth filter media is deposited on a support membrane (septum), and (2) while the water is filtered by passing through the cake on the septum, additional filter media known as body feed is continuously added to the feed water to maintain the permeability of the filter cake.
Kyoto Protocol means the protocol to the UNFCCC adopted at the Third Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC in Kyoto, Japan on 11 December 1997 as may be amended;
Medical cannabis card means the same as that term is defined in Section 26-61a-102.
Radiation therapy simulation system means a radiographic or fluoroscopic x-ray system intended for localizing the volume to be exposed during radiation therapy and confirming the position and size of the therapeutic irradiation field.
SPID is the number that identifies a service provider to the relevant NPAC. The SPID may be a state-specific number. "Serving Wire Center" denotes the CenturyLink building from which dial tone for local Exchange Service would normally be provided to a particular End User Customer premises. "Signaling System 7" or "SS7" is an out-of-band signaling protocol consisting of four basic sub- protocols:
HEPA filter means high-efficiency particulate air filters that are rated to achieve a minimum initial particle-removal efficiency of 99.97 per cent using ASTM F 1471– 93 or equivalent standard;
Propagation means the reproduction of Regulated Marijuana plants by seeds, cuttings, or grafting.
Access Channel means any Channel, or portion thereof, designated for Access purposes or otherwise made available to facilitate or transmit Access programming or services.
Backflow prevention device means a safety device used to prevent pollution or contamination of the water supply due to the reverse flow of water from the irrigation system.
Prosthesis means an artificial substitute for a missing body part.
Backflow Prevention Assembly means any mechanical assembly installed at a water service line or at a plumbing fixture to prevent a backflow contamination event, provided that the mechanical assembly is appropriate for the identified contaminant at the cross connection and is an in-line field-testable assembly.
Database Management System (DBMS) A system of manual procedures and computer programs used to create, store and update the data required to provide Selective Routing and/or Automatic Location Identification for 911 systems. Day: A calendar day unless otherwise specified. Dedicated Transport: UNE transmission path between one of CenturyLink’s Wire Centers or switches and another of CenturyLink’s Wire Centers or switches within the same LATA and State that are dedicated to a particular customer or carrier. Default: A Party’s violation of any material term or condition of the Agreement, or refusal or failure in any material respect to properly perform its obligations under this Agreement, including the failure to make any undisputed payment when due. A Party shall also be deemed in Default upon such Party’s insolvency or the initiation of bankruptcy or receivership proceedings by or against the Party or the failure to obtain or maintain any certification(s) or authorization(s) from the Commission which are necessary or appropriate for a Party to exchange traffic or order any service, facility or arrangement under this Agreement, or notice from the Party that it has ceased doing business in this State or receipt of publicly available information that signifies the Party is no longer doing business in this State.
Basic Comprehensive User Guide means the Ministry document titled Basic Comprehensive Certificates of Approval (Air) User Guide” dated April 2004 as amended.
Double check valve assembly means an assembly composed of two single, independently acting, check valves including tightly closing shutoff valves located at each end of the assembly and suitable connections for testing the water tightness of each check valve.
Prescription monitoring program or "PMP" means the Wash- ington state prescription monitoring program authorized under chapter
Alcohol Screening Device (ASD) means a breath or saliva device, other than an Evidential Breath Testing Device (EBT), that is approved by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and placed on its Conforming Products List for such devices.
Access Card means an ATM card, debit card or credit card and includes our Visa Card
Signal means any transmission of radio frequency energy or of optical information.
Step therapy protocol means a protocol or program that establishes the specific