Examples of Date of occurrence in a sentence
Date of occurrence or first knowledge (known or reasonably should have known) of occurence.
If you feel a vendor or any other participant has acted in a way that harms the CFM please supply the following information: • Your name: • Phone Number: • Email Address: • Name of the vendor or person in question: • Infraction(s): • Date of occurrence: / / Please attach a check in the amount of $25.00 made out to Columbia Farmers Market and mail to: Columbia Farmers Market P.O. Box 10012 Columbia, MO 65205 If the CFM Board validates your claim, your check will be returned to you.
Date of occurrence is the day the event that is the subject of the grievance occurred, or the date when the grievant reasonably should have been aware of the occurrence of the event that is the subject of the grievance.
Date of occurrence (a) For civil cases, the Date of occurrence is the date of the event which leads to a claim.
No Director or manager may be involved in any discussions as to their own remuneration.