Examples of Day 21 in a sentence
This visit is targeted to take place on Day 14, counted from the date of enrollment as Day 0, with an allowable window of -3 to +7 days (i.e., the visit may take place between Day 11 and Day 21, inclusive).
Training Non Training ................................Day 21 ...................................................
After disembarking on Day 21, take your transfer to Vancouver International Airport or to the trip hotel if you wish to extend your stay.
Two further doses of Rituximab will be administered on Day 21 and 42 after day one of the final course of IVAC to bring the total of Rituximab infusions to 8 in line with the GELA R-CHOP schedule.
The sample will either be split into 2 parts for Day 0, Day 7 and Day 21, and 3 parts for Day 14 or 2 samples will be collected for Day 0, Day 7 and Day 21, or 3 samples will be collected for Day 14.
The wasps were approximately 3 to 6 days old at test initiation.Observations were made once during the hour of test initiation and once daily until Day 21 of the test.
The total transaction fee for Trading Participant p for Gas Day d: TTF(p,d) = Σc (Σt Σl Σd’(TQ(p,d’,c,l) x TF(c)))Where d’ is a Gas Day included in Transactions executed on Gas Day d.Note: Transaction fees are payable in respect of the day on which the Transaction was formed, not in respect of the Delivery Period for the Transaction.For example, the fee for a Transaction for delivery on Gas Day 1 May 2014 that was transacted on 21 April 2014 is payable as part of Settlement for Gas Day 21 April 2014.
At test termination (Day 21), mortality in the assay control, buffer substance, and test substance groups was 10%, 3%, and 3%, respectively.
For example, an ECG might be collected on Day 20, determined to be uninterpretable, and repeated on Day 21.
Observations of mortality and clinical signs were conducted once within the hour of test initiation and then continued daily until Day 21 of the test.