Examples of Declaration of emergency in a sentence
Notice may be given by telephone or by facsimile machine, but a signed notice shall also be delivered to the state commissioner.21.1(3) Declaration of emergency due to natural or other disaster or extremely inclement weather.
One additional thing to check is that sometimes cassette adapters have some small capacitors inside them to reduce noise.
Declaration of emergency water restrictions or water rationing can be communicated to all customers by telephone through use of reverse 911.
A situation involving either:(1) a Government Declaration of emergency or a Catastrophic Event; or(2) an existing Health Care Facility which the Commissioner determines has been destroyed, or otherwise substantially damaged, or where there is a clear and present danger of such damage, such that the damage could substantially impact public health.
However, any party availing itself of this emergency exclusion must coordinate with Navajo Emergency Management Department and notify NLD in writing of the placement and location of all COWs and COLTs. All such structures must be removed upon the earlier of expiration of the 120-day period or the termination of the Declaration of emergency.