Defraud definition

Defraud means to knowingly obtain, by deception, some benefit for oneself or another, or to knowingly cause, by deception, some detriment to another.
Defraud means to commit the crime of fraud upon a person;
Defraud means taking anything of value, including money, property, or time, without consent from the recipient of a call.

Examples of Defraud in a sentence

  • Alpha-chaconine and Alpha-solanine Content of Potato Peels and Potato Peel Products.

  • Such a case would be more aptly sentenced pursuant to§2C1.1 (Offering, Giving, Soliciting, or Receiving a Bribe; Extortion Under Color of Official Right; Fraud involving the Deprivation of the Intangible Right to Honest Services of Public Officials; Conspiracy to Defraud by Interference with Governmental Functions).

  • Defraud mail order and other businesses.Since November 1, 1993, pursuant to Internal Management Procedure #35, the department has stamped outgoing inmate mail to indicate that the mail was sent from the Wisconsin state prison system.

  • If the offense involved extortion under color of official right, apply §2C1.1 (Offering, Giving, Soliciting, or Receiving a Bribe; Extortion Under Color of Official Right; Fraud Involving the Deprivation of the Intangible Right to Honest Services of Public Officials; Conspiracy to Defraud by Interference with Governmental Functions).

  • The Commentary to §2E5.1 captioned "Application Notes" is amended in Note 4 by inserting "; Fraud Involving the Deprivation of the Intangible Right to Honest Services of Public Officials; Conspiracy to Defraud by Interference with Governmental Functions" after "Official Right".

  • The Commentary to §8C2.4 captioned "Application Notes" is amended in Note 5 by inserting "; Fraud Involving the Deprivation of the Intangible Right to Honest Services of Public Officials; Conspiracy to Defraud by Interference with Governmental Functions" after "Official Right".

  • See Commentary to §2C1.1 (Offering, Giving, Soliciting, or Receiving a Bribe; Extortion Under Color of Official Right; Fraud Involving the Deprivation of the Intangible Right to Honest Services of Public Officials; Conspiracy to Defraud by Interference with Governmental Functions).

  • U.S.C., Title 18, §371, Conspiracy to Commit Offense or to Defraud United States.

  • If the offense involved a bribe or gratuity, apply §2C1.1 (Offering, Giv- ing, Soliciting, or Receiving a Bribe; Extortion Under Color of Official Right; Fraud Involving the Deprivation of the Intangible Right to Honest Services of Public Officials; Conspiracy to Defraud by Inter- ference with Governmental Functions) or §2C1.2 (Offering, Giving, Soliciting, or Receiving a Gratuity), as appropriate, if the resulting offense level is greater than the offense level determined above.

  • If the offense involved a bribe or gratuity, apply §2C1.1 (Offering, Giving, Soliciting, or Receiving a Bribe; Extortion Under Color of Official Right; Fraud Involving the Deprivation of the Intangible Right to Honest Services of Public Officials; Conspiracy to Defraud by Interference with Governmen- tal Functions) or §2C1.2 (Offering, Giving, Soliciting, or Receiving a Gratuity), as appropriate, if the resulting offense level is greater than the offense level determined above.

More Definitions of Defraud

Defraud means to acquire a gain or advantage by fraud.
Defraud means "to knowingly obtain, by deception, some benefit for oneself or another, or to knowingly cause, by deception, some detriment to another." R.C. 2913.01(B). "Deception" is defined as "knowingly deceiving another or causing another to be deceived by any false or misleading representation, by withholding information, by preventing another from acquiring information, or by any other conduct, act, or omission that creates, confirms, or perpetuates a false impression in another, including a false impression as to law, value, state of mind, or other objective or subjective fact." R.C. 2913.01(A). "Intent is a question of fact and not of law, to be determined from all the facts and circumstances as shown by the evidence." State v. Wamsley, Butler App. No. CA2002-05-109, 2003-Ohio- 1872, ¶18. (Internal citations omitted.)
Defraud means to cheat, swindle, or con another person. This violates two of the Ten Commandments; Thou shalt not steal, and Thou shalt not covet. “Brother” here may mean any other
Defraud means to “knowingly obtain, by deception, some benefit
Defraud means to knowingly obtain, by deception, some 40
Defraud means 'to deceive'. Therefore, when an act is done fraudulently it means that it is done with the intention to deceive another.

Related to Defraud

  • Creditor has the meaning set forth in Section 3.3.

  • collusive practice means a scheme or arrangement between two or more Bidders, with or without the knowledge of the Purchaser, designed to establish bid prices at artificial, non- competitive levels; and

  • Fraud means any offence under Laws creating offences in respect of fraudulent acts or at common law in respect of fraudulent acts in relation to the Contract or defrauding or attempting to defraud or conspiring to defraud the Crown.

  • undesirable practice means (i) establishing contact with any person connected with or employed or engaged by the Authority with the objective of canvassing, lobbying or in any manner influencing or attempting to influence the Bidding Process; or (ii) having a Conflict of Interest; and

  • coercive practice means harming or threatening to harm, directly or indirectly, persons or their property to influence their participation in the procurement process or affect the execution of a contract;

  • Threatening behavior means any pattern of behavior or isolated action, whether or not it is directed at another person, that a reasonable person would believe indicates potential for future harm to students, school personnel, or school property.

  • Obstructive practice means materially impede the Bank’s or Government agencies investigation into allegations of one or more of the above mentioned prohibited practices either by deliberately destroying, falsifying, altering; or by concealing of evidence material to the investigation; or by making false statements to investigators and/or by threatening, harassing or intimidating any party to prevent it from disclosing its knowledge of matters relevant to the investigation or from pursuing the investigation; or by impeding the Bank’s rights of audit or access to information;

  • Improper influence means any influence that induces or tends to induce a PHA/IHA employee or officer to give consideration or to act regarding a PHA/IHA contract on any basis other than the merits of the matter.