Examples of Degree Days in a sentence
To the extent Actual Calendar Month Degree Days were less than Normal Calendar Month Degree Days as adjusted for the Degree Day Dead Band, a deficiency of marginal revenue exists.
This calculation is made by multiplying the monthly Degree Day Consumption Factor by the difference between Normal Calendar Month Degree Days as adjusted for the Degree Day Dead Band, and Actual Calendar Month Degree Days and, in turn, multiplying the result by the Margin Revenue Factor.
To the extent the Actual Calendar Month Degree Days exceeds Normal Calendar Month Degree Days as adjusted for the Degree Day Dead Band, an excess of margin revenues exist.
HDD: The final settlement price of Monthly Heating Degree Days (HDD) Index Futures is based on the respective CME HDD Index reported by MDA Information Systems, Inc.
The purpose of the Normal Weather Adjustment (“NWA”) is to adjust each customer’s bill for the difference in delivery charges caused by the variation in actual Heating Degree Days (“HDDs”) from normal HDDs during the Winter Period.
Each gas transportation customer will receive a temperature equation calculated based on its profile information (Daily Delivery Quantity = heat factor X Heating Degree Days + base load quantity).
The Alumni Officer, Ms Ruth Sheaves, is responsible for the administration of Balliol Degree Days and is contactable at degrees@balliol.ox.ac.uk or on 01865 277690.The College expects a student to have paid their battels (see 6.2.4) and any outstanding debt in full prior to leaving the College.
For EPIs that adjust for weather, use the Degree Days Calculator (energystar.gov/degreedayscalculator) to determine the HDD and CDD, and include a copy in the application.
Heating Degree Days (HDD) occur when the average daily temperature is less than Lakeland Electric’s established base temperature of 65 degrees Fahrenheit.
Cooling Degree Days (CDD) occur when the average daily temperature is greater than 65 degrees.