Examples of Departing Load Customers in a sentence
In accordance with Applicable Law, Cost Responsibility Surcharges are recovered from Direct Access Customers, Customer Generation Departing Load Customers, Municipal Departing Load Customers or Community Choice Aggregation Customers.
EPUC, CLECA and Modesto: Adjust Bond Charge on Departing Load Customers to Exclude Revenue Requirements 24 F.
The Cost Responsibility Surcharge is the energy cost obligations recoverable from New WAPA Departing Load Customers consistent with D.
Code, §§ 367(b) and 390(c).List of Costs That May Be Recovered from CCA Departing Load Customers In 2002, the Legislature authorized Community Choice Aggregation through the enactment of Assembly Bill 117, which included an unambiguous directive regarding the costs that must be recovered from CCA customers to prevent a cost shift to bundled customers.
Consistency with Cost Recovery RequirementsOrdering Paragraph 5 of D.10-12-035 orders the three large electric IOUs to recover the net capacity costs from CHP Program contracts on a non-bypassable basis from all bundled service, Direct Access (“DA”) and Community Choice Aggregator (“CCA”), and Departing Load Customers (“DLC”), except for CHP DLC.
Bond Charges - Bond Charges shall have the meaning set forth in the Rate Agreement and shall include Bond Charges to be remitted by Customers, including Bundled Customers, Direct Access Customers, Customer Generation Departing Load Customers, MunicipalDeparting Load Customers and Community Choice Aggregation Customers who are required to remit Bond Charges under Applicable Law.
Bond Charges - Bond Charges shall have the meaning set forth in the Rate Agreement and shall include Bond Charges to be remitted by Customers, including Bundled Customers, Direct Access Customers, Customer Generation Departing Load Customers, Municipal Departing Load Customers and Community Choice Aggregation Customers who are required to remit Bond Charges under Applicable Law.
Net capacity costs will be billed via PG&E’s Cost Allocation Mechanism (“CAM”) rate and recovered through PG&E’s New System Generation Balancing Account (“NSGBA”) from all benefiting customers, i.e., bundled, DA, CCA, and other non-exempt Departing Load Customers.
Accordingly, the net capacity costs associated with the ArcLight Agreements must be proportionately allocated to all bundled, DA, CCA, and specified Departing Load Customers.
The net capacity costs associated with the Richmond PPA must be proportionately allocated annually to all bundled, DA, CCA, and specified Departing Load Customers for collection on a non-bypassable basis.