Departmental permit definition

Departmental permit means a permit approved by the chairperson.

Examples of Departmental permit in a sentence

  • A w r i tt e n a g r ee m e n t be t wee n a S t a t e t h a t i s a p r o t ec t ed a r e a o r t h a t e n co m p a sses a p r o t ec t ed a r e a a n d a pe r so n w h o m oves r eg u l a t ed a r t icles i n t e r s t a t e, o r i n a n o n- p r o t ec t ed a r e a be t wee n A P HI S a n d s u c h pe r so n , i n w h ic h t h a t pe r so n a g r ees t o co m pl y wi t h t h i s s u bp a r t .Departmental permit.

  • Imported under conditions speci- fied on the Departmental permit and found by the Administrator to be ade- quate to prevent the introduction into the United States of plant pests.

  • A document issued by the Administrator in which he or she affirms that interstate move- ment of the regulated article identified on the document is for scientific or ex- perimental purposes, and that the reg- ulated article is eligible for interstate movement under the conditions speci- fied on the Departmental permit and found by the Administrator to be ade- quate to prevent the introduction of rust-susceptible varieties of the genera Berberis, Mahoberberis, and Mahonia into protected areas.Inspector.

  • Moved with a Departmental tag or label securely attached to the out- side of the container containing the ar- ticle or securely attached to the article itself if not in a container, with such tag or label bearing a Departmental permit number corresponding to the number of the Departmental permit issued for such article.[50 FR 51231, Dec.

  • Imported with a Departmental tag or label securely attached to the out- side of the container containing the ar- ticle or securely attached to the article itself if not in a container, and with such tag or label bearing a Depart- mental permit number corresponding to the number of the Departmental permit issued for such article.[45 FR 31585, May 13, 1980; 45 FR 35305, May27, 1980, as amended at 56 FR 19790, Apr.

  • A w r i tt e n a g r ee m e n t be t wee n a S t a t e t ha t is a p r o t ec t ed ar e a o r t ha t e n co m p a sses a p r o t ec t ed ar e a an d a pe r so n w h o m oves r eg u l a t ed ar t icles i n t e r s t a t e, o r i n a n o n- p r o t ec t ed ar e a be t wee n A P HI S an d s u c h pe r so n , i n w h ic h t ha t pe r so n a g r ees t o co m pl y wi t h t h is s u bp ar t .Departmental permit.

  • Maine law makes it illegal for persons applying for a Departmental permit to make false statements upon an application with the intent to deceive department officials in the course of their official duties, or to create a false impression in a written application for pecuniary or other benefit.

  • Imported under conditions specified on the Departmental permit and found by the Administrator to be adequate to prevent the introduction into the United States of plant pests.

  • A w r i tt e n a g r ee m e n t be t wee n A P HI S a n d a pe r - so n e n g a ged i n g r owi n g, h a n dli n g, o r m ovi n g r eg u l a t ed a r t icles, w h e r ei n t h e pe r so n a g r ees t o co m pl y wi t h t h i s s u b- p a r t .Departmental permit.

  • A w r i tt e n a g r ee m e n t be t wee n A P HI S an d a pe r - so n e n g a ged i n g r owi n g, p r ocessi n g, han dli n g, o r m ovi n g r eg u l a t ed ar t icles, w h e r ei n t h e pe r so n a g r ees t o co m pl y wi t h t h is s u bp ar t .Departmental permit.

Related to Departmental permit

  • Environmental Permit means any permit, approval, identification number, license or other authorization required under any Environmental Law.

  • Environmental Permits means all permits, licenses, authorizations, certificates, approvals or registrations required by any Governmental Authority under any Environmental Laws.

  • Governmental Approval is any consent, authorization, approval, order, license, franchise, permit, certificate, accreditation, registration, filing or notice, of, issued by, from or to, or other act by or in respect of, any Governmental Authority.

  • Governmental Body means any government or governmental or regulatory body thereof, or political subdivision thereof, whether federal, state, local or foreign, or any agency, instrumentality or authority thereof, or any court or arbitrator (public or private).

  • Governmental Entity means any federal, state, local or foreign legislative body, court, government, department or instrumentality, or governmental, administrative or regulatory authority or agency.

  • Governmental Licenses has the meaning set forth in Section 4.3.