Examples of Dependent Relative in a sentence
The new Adult Dependent Relative Rules (‘ADR Rules’) came into force in July 2012 as part of the changes to Family Migration rules.
A Freedom of Information Request to the Home Office by JCWI has revealed that between 1 November 2012 and 30 September 2013, 34 settlement visas were issued to an Adult Dependent Relative under Appendix FM to the Immigration Rules.
IdǤͳͺǤ Sǡ Dependent Relative Revocation, supra ͳͲǡ ͷͳ͵Ǥ ͳͺǤ Sǡ Dependent Relative Revocationǡ supra ͳͲǡ ͷͳ͵Ǥͳͺͺ.
Enter total on Line 8 Dependent Relative Allowance: A resident individual is entitled to claim $350 in respect of each dependent relative that he maintains.
Department of Home Affairs, https://perma.cc/A8RV-493Q;Subclass 838: Aged Dependent Relative Visa, Department of Home Affairs, https://perma.cc/YQ6A-GS6F.