Examples of Deposit Guarantee Fund in a sentence
Under the scheme, which covers a specified portfolio of assets with a gross value of €24,644 million at 31 July 2011, the Deposit Guarantee Fund (hereinafter, FGD) will bear 80% of losses on the portfolio for a period of ten years, once impaired allowances in respect of those assets, which amounted to €3,882 million at that date, have been fully applied.
Bank accounts are also insured by the State Deposit Guarantee Fund in the amount of $400,000.
Repayment of deposits is guaranteed by the Deposit Guarantee Fund (location: 15 Khorenatsi St., 0010, Yerevan, Elite Plaza Business Center)in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Armenia “On Guarantee of Remuneration of Bank Deposits of Individuals”.
Subject to the requirements of Armenian legislation, we have the right to share information about you, your accounts and your credit liabilities, upon request or at our own initiative, with other banks, credit organizations, credit bureaus and Deposit Guarantee Fund without giving prior notice to you.
The Investor Compensation Fund, the Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund and the Guarantee Fund under Art.
The CLIENT’s payment accounts are protected through the participation of the BANK in the Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund up to the amount and under conditions, according to the provisions of the Bank Deposit Guarantee Act, described in Chapter XIII of this document.
Bank accounts and the local government investment pool are also insured by the State Deposit Guarantee Fund in the amount of $400,000.
Once again there was a positive contribution to the income statement for the quarter from the other income, even excluding the impact of the payment to the Deposit Guarantee Fund made in the previous quarter.
Total operating expenses do not include the special levy or contributions to the Single Resolution Fund (SRF) or Deposit Guarantee Fund (DGF) and do not include any advisory or other restructuring costs.Maintaining a strong capital base has been a key priority for management over the past few years and this remains equally important for the Group going forward.
The Bank and other consolidated entities participate in the Deposit Guarantee Fund, National Resolution Fund or equivalent scheme in their respective countries.