Design Early Works Agreement definition
Examples of Design Early Works Agreement in a sentence
Each Proponent should review the Initial Draft Design Early Works Agreement for the purpose of identifying any issues or provisions that the Proponent would like to see clarified or amended.
Proponents should calculate the fixed price proposal for the Design Early Works Agreement (Design Early Works Price) using Table 1 and Table 2 in “Form A1 - Breakdown of Design Early Works Price”, provided by the Authority in Appendix B of this RFP.Proponents should submit the completed Form A1 as part of the Proposal.
A Proposal that delivers value will be a prerequisite to the Authority entering into the Design Early Works Agreement.
This RFP does not commit the Authority to select a Preferred Proponent or enter into a Design Early Works Agreement.
Following execution of the Design Early Works Agreement, the Preferred Proponent and Authority Representatives, based on the process and requirements set out in the Design Early Works Agreement, will meet to collaborate on the development of the Facility’s design.
The following sections describe the Preferred Proponent’s responsibilities under the Design Early Works Agreement as well as the key commercial terms of the agreement.
Once executed, the Design Build Agreement will supersede the Design Early Works Agreement.
Costs that are covered by the Design Early Works Agreement will be paid in accordance with the terms and conditions in the Design Early Works Agreement.
In particular, the Initial Draft Design-Build Agreement is incorporated by reference into the Design Early Works Agreement and forms the basis upon which the Design proceeds.Proponents are encouraged to submit Enquiries regarding the Initial Draft DBA RFP or the Initial Draft Design-Build Agreement.Proponents will be required to make certain acknowledgements in the Proposal Declaration Form (Appendix C) regarding the Design Early Works Agreement and the Initial Draft Design-Build Agreement.
The negotiations will be structured under a request for proposal acceptable to the Authority (the DBA RFP).Proponents are advised that the DBA RFP will have an affordability ceiling that will include the Design Early Works Price and any other pricing for the scope of work performed under the Design Early Works Agreement.