Designated doctor definition
Examples of Designated doctor in a sentence
Designated doctor for LAC (Dr Owen Hanmer) will be leaving post – BH will appoint interim.
Designated doctor narrative reports must be filed in the form and manner required by the division.
Within the job plan of the Designated doctor, there are clinical sessions allocated to undertake an operational aspect of the role and undertake initial health assessments.The Designated nurse also holds the role of designated nurse for safeguarding.
The Designated doctor has 2 additional programmed sessions (1 PA=4 hours) per week to deliver the role.
Dr Bushra Ismaiel – (Full time consultant) – Neurodisability/Neurodevelopment and Autism; Designated doctor for safeguarding; Community Paediatric Lead; Lead of Autism multidisciplinary team.
The Executive lead, Designated Nurse and Designated doctor for NHS Hull CCG as well as the executive and Named leads for CHCP, HEYHT and HTFT are actively engaged in partnership working, particularly through the HSCB.
The Designated doctor provides peer supervision for the lead clinicians.
We also use the same set of control variables as of Equation (1) (measured in levels).Panel A of Table 5 reports the estimation results.
The role of Designated health professionals The Designated doctor and Designated nurse will work together to fulfil the following functions: 1.
Follow up from SCBU for these babies can be provided by the CiC Designated doctor with the agreement of the acute Paediatrician.