Examples of Designated Highway in a sentence
Town Engineer Dwayne Acton provided a proposed 5-year Designated Highway Plan as referenced in the report found within the Special Meeting of Council package which was reviewed with Council.
In 1951 the census data still showed 61 per cent of the total national popula- tion living in the rural areas.
The following correspondence was read into the record by the CAO/Clerk, Cynthia Geldart, as per the request of Mayor Judy Wilson-Shee:- correspondence from the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure requesting that the Village submit an updated 5-year plan under the Municipal Designated Highway Program; - an email from Elementary Literacy Inc.
The Township shall erect and maintain signs clearly indicating the beginning and end of every Designated Highway.
The following correspondence was read into the record by Cynthia Geldart, CAO/Clerk, as per the request of Mayor Wilson-Shee:➢ a notification from the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure that our funding application through the Provincial Municipal Designated Highway Program has been denied again this year regarding the continuation of the Highway 101 Upgrades.
Moved by Councillor Bond and seconded by Deputy Mayor Doucet that as part of the 2021 Gas Tax and the Designated Highway Programs, that the Town of Hampton tender for street improvements to Main Street from Logie Drive to William Bell Drive intersection and Railway Avenue.
The above listed OHP Designated Highway Segments, Non-Designated Highway Segments and Special Overlays, along with their respective design criteria listed throughout this chapter, coordinate and compliment the current ODOT practices included in Practical Design and Multi- modal Design to provide flexibility in relation to land use and context sensitive design of state highways.
Giuliano is a member of the National Freight Advisory Committee and in that role has contributed to a set of recommendations for a national freight strategic plan, as well as recommendations on specific policies, such as the proposed Designated Highway Primary Freight Network.
The property is located in the Neighborhood Business (B-N) zoning district with a Designated Highway (D-H) overlay.
Regional coordination can lead to consistency in approaches to tourism product development, coordination of destination management, identification and development of specialized tourism attractions, natural and cultural heritage conservation, and data collection.