Examples of Designated Security Consultant in a sentence
Where a Security Evacuation becomes impractical due to hostile or dangerous conditions, a Designated Security Consultant will endeavor to maintain contact with the Covered Person until a Security Evacuation occurs.
Eligible Security Evacuation expenses are for Transportation and Related Costs to the Nearest Place of Safety necessary to ensure the Insured’s safety and well-being as determined by the Designated Security Consultant.
Where a Security Evacuation becomes impractical due to hostile or dan gerous conditions, a Designated Security Consultant will endeavor to maintain contact with the Covered Person until a Security Evacuation occurs.
An employee may be granted personal (compensatory time) time off as compensation for extra hours worked.
Where a Security Evacuation becomes impractical due to hostile or dangerous conditions, a Designated Security Consultant will endeavor to maintain contact with the Covered Person until a Security Evacu ation occurs.
Insured/ Covered Person}’s Home Country, or the government authority(ies) of the Host Country or the Company’s Designated Security Consultant.
The determination that an Insured requires a Security Evacuation must be made by a Designated Security Consultant and all arrangements must be made by Travel Guard Group, Inc.
Eligible expenses are for Transportation and Related Costs to the Nearest Place of Safety necessary to ensure the Insured’s safety and well-being as determined by the Designated Security Consultant.
Where a Security Evacuation becomes impractical due to hostile or dan gerous conditions, a Designated Security Consultant will endeavor to maintain contact with the Covered Person until a Security Evacu ation occurs.
Where a Security Evacuation becomes impractical due to hostile or dan gerous conditions, a Designated Security Consultant will endeavor to maintaincontact with the Covered Personuntil a Security Evacuation occurs.Right of Recovery - If, after a Security Evacuationis completed, it becomes evident that the Covered Personwas anactive participant in the events that led to the Occurrence, We have the right to recover all Transportation a nd Rel ated Costs from the Covered Person.