Examples of Digital camera in a sentence
Digital camera files must be captured as 6 megapixel files or greater with a minimum pixel array of 3,000 pixels by 2,000 pixels.
Digital camera technology for recording movies is beginning to emerge with notable movie releases expected in 2001 and 2002.
Using a Garmin E-trex Legend GPS objects and structures of archaeological / heritage value were recorded and photographed with a Canon 450D Digital camera.
Digital camera pictures were taken on day 0 and every three weeks, until healing.
SANS: Digital camera embedded on handheld devices might be disabled in restrictedenvironments, according to ⟨COMPANY NAME⟩ risk analysis.
DIGITAL CAMERAS.A Digital camera stores its images in digital form.
Digital camera systems must also be compatible with analytical mensuration procedures used in photogrammetric surveys and in preparing accurate orthophotography.
Fee rates are available at http://go.iu.edu/SBfees This 5 week session class meets January 4 - February 7.VT: POINT AND SHOOT15543 1 11:30AM-12:45PM MW EA 1113 Bult KIntro to digital photography Digital camera requiredCampuswide Gen Ed Common Core: Arts, Aesthetics, and CreativityThis class requires a Laboratory Fee.
Digital camera systems proposed for use must be of comparable precision and quality with traditional stereoscopic mapping cameras.
Digital camera assessment for detection of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in rural El Salvador.