EPG definition
Examples of EPG in a sentence
Finger printing should appear on all the screens of the STB, such as Menu, EPG etc.
All technicians who perform, or are required by the FHWA to witness, such sampling and testing shall be deemed as qualified by virtue of successfully completing the requirements of EPG 106.18 Technician Certification Program, for that specific technical area.
In those situations, the contractor shall propose a solution to the engineer that is compliant with current ADA law using the following hierarchy of resources: 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design, Draft Public Rights of Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG) dated November 23, 2005, MoDOT’s Engineering Policy Guidelines (EPG), or a solution approved by the U.S. Access Board.
If the project is on the state highway system or is a bridge project, then the latest version of MoDOT’s Engineering Policy Guide (EPG) and Missouri Standard Specifications for Highway Construction shall be used (see EPG 136.7).
The Engineer shall be responsible for working with the Local Agency in determining the appropriate design parameters and construction specifications for the project using good engineering judgment based on the specific site conditions, Local Agency needs, and guidance provided in the most current version of EPG 136 LPA Policy.