Examples of Diploma Holder in a sentence
In case the contractor fails to employ the technical staff as aforesaid, he shall be liable to pay a reasonable amount not exceeding a sum of Rs.25000/- (Rupees twenty five thousand only) for each month of default in the case of Graduate Engineer and Rs.20000/- (Rupees twenty thousands only) for each month of default in case of Qualified Diploma Holder (Overseer).
Diploma Holder Junior Engineer isExclusively in his employment .The technical staff should be available at site whenever required by Engineer-in-Charge to take instructions.
In case the contractor fails to employ the technical staff as aforesaid, he shall be liable to pay a reasonable amount not exceeding a sum of Rs.25000/- (Rupees twenty five thousand only) for each month of default in the case of Graduate Engineer and Rs.20000/- (Rupees twenty thousand only) for each month of default in case of Qualified Diploma Holder (Overseer).
Contract form.Special class contractor shall employ under him one Graduate Engineer and two Diploma Holder belonging to the State of Odisha, like wise ‘A’ class contractor shall employ under his one Graduate Engineer or two Diploma Holders belonging to the State of Odisha.
The names of such engineering personnel appointed by the contractor should by an employment roll of the Engineering personnel together with a certificate of the Graduate Engineer or Diploma Holder so employed by the contractor to the effect that the work executed as per the will has been appraised by him.
The Contractor shall employ the following technical staff during the execution of this work where work so desiresi) One qualified Graduate Engineer possessing a degree from a recognized University in Electrical Engineering and having experience of not less than 3 years or a Diploma Holder in Electrical Engineering with not less than seven years experience.
This Survey should also include the Entry Compensation of Graduate Engineer Trainees, Diploma Holder Trainees etc.
Deployment of Qualified Engineers at Work Sites by the Contractor: - 26A.1 The contractor shall also employ Qualified Graduate Engineer or Qualified Diploma Holder Engineer, based on value of contract, as may be prescribed by the Ministry of Railways through separate instructions from time to time.
Public opinion, at least for a time, quickly shifted to favor race profiling in the war on terrorism.287 If the shift proves enduring, it could have long term impacts, including encouraging reconsideration of the efforts to end race profiling in all law enforcement.
Interior Designer (2-3 years’ experience having Degree / Diploma Holder) – 1 person.