Examples of Director of Elections in a sentence
A local election candidate, Director of Elections, etc., who intends to include a reference to a European election candidate in local election promotional material, advertising, etc., must be authorised to do so by the European election candidate's election agent or the national agent of the European election candidate's political party.
After the verification of a petition for an initiative or referendum, the Associate Director of Elections shall inform the CSUN President, all other CSUN Elected or Appointed Officer, and any member of CSUN, in that order, that they may claim the role of Primary Opponent.
To prevent unauthorized petitions from circulating and unauthorized persons from filing petitions, only the Primary Proponent(s) of a petition and persons authorized in writing by one or more of the Primary Proponent(s) may submit Petitions to the Associate Director of Elections.
The Associate Director of Elections must preserve the petition for the same time period as the Elections Commission preserves the ballots for the election for which the petition qualified or attempted to qualify for placement on the ballot.
Once a petition has qualified for the ballot, the Associate Director of Elections shall ensure its placement on the ballot.
A petition for a constitutional amendment shall be filed with the Associate Director of Elections in the same manner as a petition for initiative or referendum, who shall submit it to the Senate once it has been qualified.
If the Associate Director of Elections discovers that the petition submitted lacks sufficient valid signatures, the Primary Proponent(s) shall be notified immediately, and no further action shall be taken on the petition.
A petition shall be considered presented when it has been presented to the Associate Director of Elections within 45 days of the timestamp on the original copies of the petition given to the Primary Proponent(s).
The Primary Opponent may then submit to the Elections Commission a statement for the Voters’ Guide and submit to the Associate Director of Elections a statement acknowledging that they are responsible for the conduct of the campaign in opposition to the petition.
Promotion by a local election candidate of a candidate or political party in connection with the European Parliament election in election material or a newspaper advertisement may not occur unless the authority of the European candidate’s election agent or the national agent of the political party has been obtained by the local election candidate or whoever (e.g. Director of Elections) is incurring the expenditure on behalf of that candidate in question.