Examples of Director of Infrastructure Services in a sentence
The Committee may require that shares be retained with such custodian, or other designated broker or agent for a designated period of time and/or may establish other procedures to permit tracking of disqualifying dispositions of such shares.
IN ATTENDANCE: Mr Hein Basson (General Manager), Mr Keith Appleby (Director of Infrastructure Services), Mr Graham Price (Director of Development, Planning and Regulatory Services), Mrs Anna Watt (Director of Corporate and Community Services) and Mrs Debbie Duffell (Executive Assistant).
The Director of Infrastructure Services has been consulted in the preparation of this Report.
The Owner further agrees that any curbs, gutters, pavements, sidewalks, or landscaped areas on the public highway which are damaged during construction on the subject lands shall be restored by the Owner at its expense, and to the satisfaction of the Director of Infrastructure Services.
A minimum road allowance of 16.25m radius may be considered with prior approval of the Director of Infrastructure Services.
Once approved, the Owner further agrees to install said fire hydrants and temporary turnarounds to the satisfaction of the Fire Chief and the Director of Infrastructure Services.
The requirement for modifications shall be backed up by a traffic impact study or as may be required by the Director of Infrastructure Services, which may include traffic control devices (warning signs, traffic signals, etc.) if deemed necessary.
Except as aforesaid, all works required hereunder in each stage of construction approved by the Director of Infrastructure Services shall be completed within twenty-four (24) months of the date of this Agreement, provided however, that the said completion date may be extended with the approval of the Director of Infrastructure Services.
With reference to the Minute of Meeting of this Committee of 3 September, 2013 (Item 7) there was circulated a report dated 14 April, 2014 by the Director of Infrastructure Services which detailed a request to fell trees at Caroline’s Well Wood, Ellon.
During the internal mid-term review conducted, community members noted that such products (e.g. t-shirts, school bags, etc.) are highly valued by them, and allow them to feel a sense of pride and ownership in the work they do with the SI.