Disciplinary Decision definition

Disciplinary Decision means a Disciplinary Decision issued in accordance with Rule 8.4.1;
Disciplinary Decision means a decision, following an SRA finding, to exercise one or more of the powers provided by section 44D(2) and (3) of the Solicitors Act 1974 or paragraph 14B(2) and (3) of Schedule 2 to the Administration of Justice Act 1985;
Disciplinary Decision means a written decision as to whether an accused student has committed a violation of a Regentsʼ Rule, University regulation, or administrative rule. It includes the findings of fact in support of the decision along with the assessed sanction or sanctions, if any.

Examples of Disciplinary Decision in a sentence

  • Disciplinary Decision No later than fourteen (14) calendar days after the close of the Pre- Disciplinary Meeting, the Employer shall inform the employee and PSE of its decision in writing.

  • The Department and the Association agree that the Aggravated/Mitigated Disciplinary Decision Guide (Exhibit B) will determine the appropriate level of discipline and the disciplinary process will proceed, as outlined in the Managing Employee Performance & Conduct: a Handbook for Divisions and Bureau Commanders.

  • Section 2: Employee Discipline shall be governed by this section and Procedure Manual and Managing Employee Performance & Conduct, which includes the Disciplinary Decision Guide, "The Matrix" (also known as the "Discipline Matrix").

  • The appeal will include a statement of the employee’s position, and if applicable, copy of the Notice of Proposed Disciplinary Action, Notice of Disciplinary Decision and the remedy sought.

  • Submit request to appeal in writing.• Parents/guardians of KIPP DC students must submit a Written Request to Appeal Disciplinary Decision Form to a member of the school leadership team within one school day of being notified of the suspension.

  • Regarding qualifications, our computations show a higher demand for skilled labor in absolute terms, while the additional demand is highest for specialists and experts in relative terms.The structure of this paper is as follows: Chapter 2 explains the underlying methodology of the economic modelling and scenario technique, while chapter 3 describes key assumptions that were integrated into the «hydrogen scenario».

  • In particular, human clinical trials can be very expensive and difficult to design and implement, in part because they are subject to rigorous regulatory requirements.

  • When the disposition of a case requires the destruction of the disciplinary report, it shall be the obligation of the hearing officer/chairperson to ensure that all copies of the report (except the inmate's) are destroyed and enter the appropriate disposition on Disciplinary Decision (LIBL) and Disciplinary (LIBK).

  • The institution shall discharge prisoners from punitive segregation after the prisoners complete the period, sequence, or conditions of segregation that the Disciplinary Committee/Hearing Officer imposed in the Summary Finding (form 809.04B) and Report of Disciplinary Decision (form 809.04C).

  • Refer Appellant’s bundle, document 5 – NHTTA Disciplinary Decision letter– page 6It is inconceivable that the NHTTA GM would have agreed to reimburse Mitchell for an expense without discussing what this was for.

More Definitions of Disciplinary Decision

Disciplinary Decision means a decision of the licensing committee about—
Disciplinary Decision means a decision, following an SRA finding, to exercise one or more of the powers provided by:
Disciplinary Decision means a written decision determining that a student alleged to have violated the Regents’ Rules, University regulation, or administrative rule is, in fact, responsible for such alleged misconduct. The "disciplinary decision" includes the findings of fact in support of the decision along with the assessed sanction or sanctions, if any.
Disciplinary Decision means a written decision determining that a student alleged to have violated the Regents’ Rules,
Disciplinary Decision means one of the five Formal Procedure outcomes that are decided upon by the Disciplinary Committee;
Disciplinary Decision means a written decision determining whether or not a Student Organization is responsible for a violation of university policy. The disciplinary decision includes the findings of fact in support of the decision along with the assessed sanction(s) if applicable.

Related to Disciplinary Decision

  • Disciplinary Panel means the panel appointed by the Board at the recommendation of the Chief Regulatory Officer to act in an adjudicative role and fulfill various adjudicative responsibilities and duties described in Chapter 7.

  • Disciplinary Tribunal means the judicial body established to hear and decide all breaches of the Integrity Code of Conduct in accordance with the Rules and Regulations and such other matters as set out in the Constitution, Rules or Regulations.

  • Disciplinary Committee means a function of the Compliance Department to fulfill various adjudicative responsibilities and duties described in Rule 602.

  • Multidisciplinary team means a group formed to provide assistance and support to a child who is an at-risk youth or a child in need of services and his or her parent. The team must include the parent, a department caseworker, a local government representative when authorized by the local government, and when appropriate, members from the men- tal health and substance abuse disciplines. The team may also include, but is not limited to, the following persons: Educa- tors, law enforcement personnel, probation officers, employ- ers, church persons, tribal members, therapists, medical per- sonnel, social service providers, placement providers, and extended family members. The team members must be vol- unteers who do not receive compensation while acting in a capacity as a team member, unless the member's employer chooses to provide compensation or the member is a state employee.

  • Interdisciplinary team means a group of persons with varied professional backgrounds who meet with the member to develop a comprehensive service plan to address the member’s need for services.

  • key decision * means an executive decision which is likely to:

  • Disciplinary Board means the Medical Disciplinary

  • Disciplinary Authority means the authority specified in the schedule which is competent to impose on an officer employee any of the penalties specified in regulation 4;

  • disciplinary law means a law regulating the discipline of any disciplined force;

  • Disciplinary sanction means any action listed in s. UWS 14.04 taken in response to student academic misconduct.

  • Grievance Procedure is used in this Agreement, it shall be considered as including the arbitration procedure.

  • Disciplinary Action means any action that can be taken on the completion of / during the investigation proceedings including but not limiting to a warning, imposition of fine, suspension from official duties or any such action as is deemed to be fit considering the gravity of the matter.

  • Disciplinary proceeding means any proceeding under the authority of each board pursuant to which licensee discipline may be imposed.

  • Grievance Committee means the Grievance Committee of the Bar.

  • Disciplinary probation means a status in which a student may remain enrolled in the university only upon the condition that the student complies with specified standards of conduct or other requirements or restrictions on privileges, for a specified period of time, not to exceed two years.

  • Investigation Committee means the Investigation Committee appointed by the Board under Regulation 5 of these Regulations;

  • Labor law decision means an administrative merits determination, arbitral award or decision, or civil judgment, which resulted from a violation of one or more of the laws listed in the definition of “labor laws”.

  • Informed decision means a decision by a qualified patient to request and obtain a prescription for medication that the qualified patient may self-administer to end the qualified patient's life in a humane and dignified manner that is based on an appreciation of the relevant facts and that is made after being fully informed by the attending physician of:

  • Adverse decision means a utilization review determination by the utilization review entity that a

  • Joint Remediation Committee has the meaning set forth in Section II.A.2.

  • Complaints Procedure means the School's procedure for handling complaints from parents, as amended from time to time for legal or other substantive reasons, or in order to assist the proper administration of the School. It does not form part of the contract between you and the School. A copy of the most up-to-date procedure is on the School's website and is otherwise available from the School at any time upon request;

  • Disciplinary Code means the disciplinary code of the LTA in force from time to time;

  • disciplinary offence means an Indictable Offence and/or offences described as a Disciplinary Offence in paragraphs 5.3, 7.7, 9.2 and 11.5 of this Board Membership and Conduct Policy

  • Disciplinary Officer or “Conduct Administrator” means a University, College or CSCU official who is authorized to determine the appropriate resolution of an alleged violation of the Code, and/or to impose sanctions or affect other remedies as appropriate. Subject to the provisions of this Code, a disciplinary officer or conduct administrator is vested with the authority to, among other duties: investigate a complaint of an alleged violation of the Code decline to pursue a complaint, refer identified disputants to mediation or other appropriate avenues of resolution, establish charges against a student, enter into an administrative agreement developed with an Accused Student in accordance with Section II-B-3 of this Code, advise a Hearing Body, and present the case before the Hearing Body.

  • Disciplinary change in placement means a suspension or removal from a student’s current educational placement that is either:

  • Final administrative decision means a decision by an agency