Examples of Discounted Care in a sentence
Free or Discounted Care provided when the patient is not expected to pay a bill or is expected to pay only a small amount of the patient's payment obligation for items and services provided by Adventist Health.
Non-Residents who are Uninsured Patients are not eligible for Free Care or Discounted Care.
Discounted Care: The MHS sliding fee scale will be used to determine the amount eligible for financial assistance for any uninsured or underinsured patient, or patient guarantor, with gross family incomes greater than 200% but at or below 400% of the current federal poverty level after all third party payment possibilities available to the applicant have been exhausted or denied.
Free or Discounted Care provided when the patient is not expected to pay a bill or is expected to pay only a small amount of the Billed Charges.
Uninsured Discount: Uninsured patients who do not meet the eligibility criteria to receive Full Free Care or Discounted Care or who do not qualify for Medical Hardship will be granted a discount so that the total obligation of the patient is equal to the AGB for the care provided.
Free Care and Discounted Care shall be available for those Uninsured Patients who are Illinois Residents.
NMHC provides Free Care as well as Discounted Care to Uninsured Patients as provided in thisAppendix C.
Despite qualification under either method, if there is reason to believe that an Applicant may have assets in excess of 600% of the then current Federal Poverty Guideline applicable to the Applicant’s Family Size and that are available to pay for medical services, NMHC may require the Applicant to provide information about such assets, and the Free Care Committee may consider those assets in deciding whether, and to what extent, to extend Free Care or Discounted Care.
NMHC provides Free Care as well as Discounted Care to Insured Patients as provided in thisAppendix B.
Financial assistance may be in the form of Discounted Care, Free Care, Medical Hardship or an Uninsured Discount.