DISPATCH POLICY means a policy, procedure, or guideline that addresses the medical issues relating to the selection and dispatch of the most appropriate Ambulance, Air Ambulance, or Firefighting Agency Vehicle to the scene of an Emergency.

Examples of DISPATCH POLICY in a sentence

  • PASSAGE 4: COMMUNICATIONS DISPATCH POLICY: The timely response and effective management of Emergency Medical Services (EMS), rescue, and fire control situations represent the highest priorities of the Fire Department.

  • SmithBUILDING CODE BOARD OF APPEALS – 2 Year Terms*Walter Maki and *Bryan JohnsonCENTRAL DISPATCH POLICY BOARD - 3 Year Terms1 Fire Department Representative - *Doug McMahon1 Township Association Representative - *Bill Luetzow, Richmond Township 1 Marquette County Police Agency Representative -*Robert Rieboldt1 City of Ishpeming Representative - *Stuart A.

  • DISPATCH POLICY AND PROTOCOLSPlease describe below, or provide a copy as an attachment, approved dispatch protocols that describe chief complaints, situations or types of EMS incidents that will result in the dispatch of the first responder.

  • Carello1 Sawyer Control Tower ~ Scott BolsterCENTRAL DISPATCH POLICY BOARD - 3 Year Terms1 Sheriff’s Dept.

  • DISPATCH POLICY AND PROTOCOLS Please describe below, or provide a copy as an attachment, approved dispatch protocols that describe chief complaints, situations or types of EMS incidents that will result in the dispatch of the supplemental first responder.

  • Fox The following will be for Roll Call Balloting: Highlighted Names were chosen CENTRAL DISPATCH POLICY BOARD (CITIZENS AT LARGE) (3 Year Term)Citizen At‐Large*Paul S.