Examples of Diving board in a sentence
See “Sample Fence/Barrier and Gate Details” – see page 13.o Swimming pool walls and floor slope.o Diving board requirements (if applicable).o A vapor retardant pool cover is available the water surface of the pool or nearby.o A safety cover has been installed on the hot tub or spa if a barrier is not being installed.o Ladder installation (as applicable).o Grading has been done in accordance with approved plot plan.
Diving board rentals requesting use of the diving board are for dive teams only.
Diving board will be removed depending on type and customer preference.
Diving board or unitedhealthcare plans with renew active on account to plan holders must pay part c, activities to give you qualify.
Diving board and Slide use is permitted only in designated areas.
Prohibited recreation equipment includes the following:• Tree houses• Diving board and/or slide for swimming poolsA request for the installation of any other type of equipment will be judged by the ARB on an individual basis taking into consideration both the covenant stipulations and the impact on the neighborhood.There is no application fee.
Survey feedback from 2010 and public comment from October 2011 indicate significant public desire for a covered, year-round pool.Winter 2012● Early January: Diving board removed from East Pool for scheduled replacement.o Vendor subsequently informs OPRF that the height/depth of diving well is out of compliance with safety standards.o With removal of board, OPRF loses grandfather status under state and federal safety standards enacted in 2010.
We need to check with Splash on what they may owe us, as they collected these fees.• We budgeted more for chemicals due to increased cost.• We project a deficit of $2232 but should make this up with new members.• Supplies likely will not cost what was budgeted.• Diving board looks like it may not last much longer.
Normal Diving board rules are enforced.● Lost and Found – All items will be discarded daily● No large inflatable pool toys are allowed● Lifejackets are acceptable but cannot be shared amongst different families.
A party is 5 or more guests.➢ Diving board rules must be strictly adhered to.➢ Use of Swim Team diving blocks is strictly prohibited.➢ Shallow diving (water less than 8 feet deep) is strictly prohibited.➢ Members will make sure all pool gates and clubhouse doors close behind them at all times.➢ Members will close & lock parking lot gate if they are the last to leave, regardless of time of day.➢ Anyone entering pool area without a signed waiver on record is considered trespassing.