Examples of DIVISIONAL MANAGER in a sentence
The contractor will not be responsible for delays which may arise on account of reasons beyond his control of which the DIVISIONAL MANAGER shall be the final judge.
The standardized bags shall be stacked in the same godown or in another godown as directed by the DIVISIONAL MANAGER or an Officer acting on his behalf.
The contractor shall provide such number of male or female casual labours whenever asked to do so at short notice during day or night by DIVISIONAL MANAGER or an officer acting on his behalf.
No amendment, modification, alteration or variation of the terms of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by authorized representatives for all the Parties hereto and no oral understanding or agreement not incorporated herein shall be binding on any of the Parties hereto.
The contractor shall, with his labour and scales and under his supervision, standardize such number of bags of foodgrains as be required by the DIVISIONAL MANAGER or an Officer acting on his behalf.
The Contractor shall, whenever required by the DIVISIONAL MANAGER or an officer acting on his behalf, supply one or more trucks for waraferi with two warners for full day or half day for transporting foodgrains from one godown to another or for miscellaneous transport operations.
Where such wages have not been so notified by the appropriate authority, the wages prescribed by the DIVISIONAL MANAGER, as minimum wage shall be made applicable.
The Contractor shall transport by trucks t o be arranged for such quantity of foodgrains as may be required from day to day by the DIVISIONAL MANAGER or an Officer acting on his behalf from one godown to another godown or from any place to another place in and around The Contractor shall take car e not to mix bags of different type of foodgrain bags containing different qualities of the same foodgrains and bags containing wet/damaged foodgr ains sweepings, etc, with bags of sound grains etc.
If, however, any Shed/Godowns constructed or added during the currencyof the contract require the use of trucks for such services as provided herein, the use of trucks in such c ases shall be specifically permitted by the DIVISIONAL MANAGER or an Officer acting on his behalf whose decision shall be final and binding on the contractor.
The contractor shall collect the empty gunnies rele ased after various operations, rebagging, cleaning etc; and bundle them into bundles of 25 or 50 each as directed by the DIVISIONAL MANAGER or an officer acting on his behalf.