DOC definition

DOC means, in relation to the ISM Company, a valid Document of Compliance issued for the ISM Company by the Administration under paragraph 13.2 of the ISM Code.

Examples of DOC in a sentence

  • There w ill also be jo in t de c is ion-m aking betw een DOC, N gati Kuri, Te A up ou ri and NgaiTakoto over approxim a te ly 70 hectares o f public conservation land at Cape Reinga/Te Rerenga W airua, a place o f pro found s ign ificance to Te Hiku iwi.

  • Te Hiku iw i and the D epartm ent o f Conservation (DOC) w ill co-au tho r the Te Hiku part o f the C onservation M anagem ent Strategy, w h ich w ill ensure th a t Te Hiku iw i in terests w ill be in teg ra te d in to th is p rim a ry D epartm ent o f C onservation p xxxxxxx docum ent.

  • Iw i w ill have decision-m aking pow e r over applications fro m iw i m em bers relating to custom ary materials, including gathering o f flora and possession o f dead protected fauna, in accordance w ith an agreed custom ary materials plan between iwi and DOC.

  • JDP National Criminal Search The JDP National Criminal Search contains data from the following sources: • Criminal Records (685m+) • Sex Offender Registries • OFAC • FBI Terrorist List • Proprietary Offender Data (POD) • Department of Public Safety (DPS) • Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) • Department of Corrections (DOC) • Federal/State/Local Wanted Fugitive Lists.

  • The Korowai means DOC decision-m aking under the Conservation A c t 1987 and Schedule 1 leg is la tio n w ill occur in a fram ew o rk in w h ich iw i cultural in terests w ill play a key role.

More Definitions of DOC

DOC means in relation to the Technical Manager a valid document of compliance issued to the Technical Manager pursuant to paragraph 13.2 of the ISM Code.
DOC or "ODOC" means the Oklahoma Department of Corrections.
DOC means the Iowa department of corrections.