Examples of DOC in a sentence
There w ill also be jo in t de c is ion-m aking betw een DOC, N gati Kuri, Te A up ou ri and NgaiTakoto over approxim a te ly 70 hectares o f public conservation land at Cape Reinga/Te Rerenga W airua, a place o f pro found s ign ificance to Te Hiku iwi.
Te Hiku iw i and the D epartm ent o f Conservation (DOC) w ill co-au tho r the Te Hiku part o f the C onservation M anagem ent Strategy, w h ich w ill ensure th a t Te Hiku iw i in terests w ill be in teg ra te d in to th is p rim a ry D epartm ent o f C onservation p xxxxxxx docum ent.
Iw i w ill have decision-m aking pow e r over applications fro m iw i m em bers relating to custom ary materials, including gathering o f flora and possession o f dead protected fauna, in accordance w ith an agreed custom ary materials plan between iwi and DOC.
JDP National Criminal Search The JDP National Criminal Search contains data from the following sources: • Criminal Records (685m+) • Sex Offender Registries • OFAC • FBI Terrorist List • Proprietary Offender Data (POD) • Department of Public Safety (DPS) • Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) • Department of Corrections (DOC) • Federal/State/Local Wanted Fugitive Lists.
The Korowai means DOC decision-m aking under the Conservation A c t 1987 and Schedule 1 leg is la tio n w ill occur in a fram ew o rk in w h ich iw i cultural in terests w ill play a key role.