Dog Kennel definition
Examples of Dog Kennel in a sentence
Dog Kennel: Any place where four or more dogs over six months of age are kept or offered for sale; any place where pet boarding for fees is offered.
Funding Source: 50% Dog Kennel Operations Fund; 50% Dick Goddard Best Friend Fund Thomas Pavich, Department of Public Works, presented.
Dog Tags Spayed/Neutered: $5.00 Unspayed/unneutered: $40.00 Dog Kennel License Non-Commercial: $50.00 Impound and Boarding Fees Springdale animal impound and boarding are provided under a contract with La Verkin City.
The Code Enforcement Office may conduct an inspection as needed to verify that the Dog Kennel is operating as approved and in conformance with this Land Use and Development Code.
Scope of project includes all work required to Design and construct the Security Campus which includes the Security Operations Center, Indoor Firing Range, Military Working Dog Kennel (MWDK), and Storage Facility loacted at Offutt AFB, NE.