Drinking Water Project definition
Examples of Drinking Water Project in a sentence
This data has been reported in EPA’s Drinking Water Project Benefits Reporting database (PBR).
Project milestones and information are reported through EPA’s Drinking Water Project Benefits Reporting database (PBR), the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) Requirement, as well as The National Information Management System (NIMS).
A single audit is conducted annually and reporting to the USEPA is done through the Drinking Water Project Benefits Reporting system, the National Information Management System, Biennial Report and FFATA reporting.
The Drinking Water Project Tracking System will be used to gather information regarding key project characteristics and milestones.
LT6 Goal: Report all uses of DWSRF Loan Program funds in the Drinking Water Project Benefits Reporting (PBR) database and the Drinking Water SRF National Information Management System (NIMS) as required by the EPA and the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA).