Examples of Water for human consumption in a sentence
Water for human consumption shall be available at the site offices and at other convenient locations on site.
Water for human consumption should be available at the site offices and at other convenient locations on site.
Water for human consumption originates from one of two types of sources.
There is also a significant reduction in the population relying on food aid— from 90 percent in 2009 to 10 percent in 2013—as well as increased infrastructure development and provision of social services. Water for human consumption and production.
POTABLE WATER – Water for human consumption that meets the biological and chemical standards of 25 PA Code § Chapter 109, Safe Drinking Water Act ENGINEER – The District Geotechnical Engineer or his/her Representative ROCK – For the work described in this publication, rock is defined as indurated mass of mineral aggregates that cannot normally be excavated by manual methods alone and that cannot be satisfactorily penetrated and sampled by standard soil boring and sampling techniques.
Firstly, the drinking water which is provided to the operating units, intensive care units, ambulatory care units and emergency care units (or to the larger hospital to which these units are attached) must meet the quality requirements laid down in the Water for human consumption Directive (see section 2.1.3) and in the Romanian transposing legislation.
Water for human consumption could be obtained in areas, which are rich in high salinity water, using less economic and energy resources.
Hazard symbol for No drinking water Water for human consumption should not contain too many impurities.
Water for human consumption Water for human consumption shall be available at the site offices and at other convenient locations on site.
Water for human consumption and for industrial production is often seen as a higher value use of water than agriculture, that requires increased levels of supply assurance.