Dynamic load definition
Examples of Dynamic load in a sentence
Dynamic load at baseline can predict radiographic disease progression in medial compartment knee osteoarthritis.
Dynamic load representation, in accordance with TPL-001-2 R2.4.1, was applied as a sensitivity variable in the 2012 Summer Peak case.
Main Features of Codine • Support for batch, interactive and parallel (Express, p4 and PVM) jobs.• Support for multiple queues.• Support for checkpointing.• Static load balancing.• Dynamic load balancing by checkpointing and job migration.• NQS interface - used for integration with existing NQS-based systems.• Accounting and utilisation statistics.• X11 Motif GUI, command-line and script interfaces for administrators and users.• POSIX compliance.• Support for DCE technology.
Dynamic load allowance shall be included in the design of the bearing cap and diaphragm but not the foundation elements.
Dynamic load testing using the PDA may be used as a substitute for a portion of the static load tests.
Dynamic load balancing is a prerequisite for effective utilization of parallel database systems consisting of many processing elements.
The landlord has indicated to him that the rent for the new term, if renewed, will be subject to a tremendous increment.
Dynamic load testing is a method to assess a pile's bearing capacity by applying a dynamic load to the pile head (a falling mass) while recording acceleration and strain on the pile head.
Dynamic load testing consists of instrumenting piles with strain transducers and accelerometers which measure pile force and acceleration, respectively, during driving operations.
Dynamic load modeling problem is generally a highly non-linear problem and this non- linearity is more severe for complex load structures, such as CLOD.