Examples of EA in a sentence
All cut grass shall be removed from the carriageway, side drains, mitre drains and inlets and outlet drains of structures/culverts and deposited in approved spoil dumps EA Burning of the grass shall not be allowed and care shall be taken not to damage roadside fixtures such as signs and marker posts.
Violations of the requirement to notify the EA shall be subject to a civil penalty pursuant to Education Law Section 2-d.
Upon request by the EA, Contractor shall provide the EA with copies of its policies and related procedures that pertain to the protection of PII.
Pursuant to Education Law Section 2-d, the EA is required to post the completed Exhibit B on its website.
Education Law Section 2-d requires that Contractor provide the EA with a Data Privacy and Security Plan that outlines such safeguards, measures and controls including how the Contractor will implement all applicable state, federal and local data security and privacy requirements.