EAA Act definition
Examples of EAA Act in a sentence
Ms. Gilpin explained that the EAA Act does not require buy downs and that the original board decided not to do paybacks.
Additionally, during a year other than a Forbearance Year, all rights under the Permit, whether or not pledged for forbearance, likewise will be subject to the requirements of the EAA Act and the applicable EAA rules.
Upon transfer from the Trust, as provided in Subsection 3(d) the Permittee, or his or her lessees or other transferees or assigns, may make withdrawals from the Aquifer under the Permit of the amount pledged for forbearance in Section (3)(a) during a year other than a Forbearance Year without regard to the duty to forbear under this Agreement and subject to administration by the EAA only under the EAA Act and the applicable EAA rules.
All withdrawal rights remaining under the Permit, if any, that are not pledged for forbearance under Subsection (a), will be subject to the requirements of the EAA Act and the applicable EAA rules.
Generally, issues with the legality of using financial compensation for property rights being against the EAA Act.
Comment 1Date Submitted: October 12, 2022 Submitted to: EAHCP@edwardsaquifer.org Source: Stakeholder 1 (Individual)Section 1.14 (a) of the EAA Act requires the Authority to “protect species that are designated as threatened or endangered under applicable federal or state law.”Section 1.14 also requires EAA to “maximize the beneficial use of water available for withdrawal from the aquifer.”Protection of minimum springflows for the benefit of endangered species has been a remarkable success.
If an entity or class listed in Subsection 7.8.1 was represented on the EARIP Steering Committee created under Section 1.26A of the EAA Act, the representative of that entity or class will be presumed to continue as the voting representative of that entity or class on the Stakeholder Committee in the absence of a contrary designation or a written resignation.
The EAA Act (Act) was adopted by the Texas Legislature in 1993 in response to the legal threat of federal takeover of the aquifer under the ESA.
In response to growing water demands and concerns about the effect of pumping on ESA-listed species, the Texas Legislature passed the Edwards Aquifer Authority Act (EAA Act) in 1996.
Moreover, a recent decision addressing the EAA’s filing deadline for historical use declarations held that the EAA Act became effective on the date of the Barshop decision.