Examples of Each Participating Class Member in a sentence
Each Participating Class Member will receive a pro-rata portion of the Net Settlement Amount.
Each Participating Class Member will receive a proportionate share of the Net Settlement Amount that is equal to: (i) the number of weeks he or she worked during the Class Period based on the Class List provided by Defendant, divided by (ii) the total number of weeks worked by any and all Participating Class Members collectively, during the Class Period based on the same Class List, which is then multiplied by the Net Settlement Amount.
Each Participating Class Member will be entitled, provisionally, to a share or shares of the Net Settlement Amount.
Each Participating Class Member will assume any tax obligations or consequences that may arise from any settlement amount paid to him or her and should consult with a tax expert if he or she has any questions.
Each Participating Class Member will receive a proportionate share of the Net Settlement Amount that is equal to (i) the number of weeks he or she worked as a Class Member during the Class Period based on the Class data provided by Defendant, divided by (ii) the total number of weeks worked by any and all Class Members during the Class Period based on the same Class data, which is then multiplied by the Net Settlement Amount.
Each Participating Class Member will receive an equal pro-rata portion of the Net Settlement Amount.
Each Participating Class Member will be bound for purposes of the Settlement in this Action by the releases set forth in this Settlement.
Each Participating Class Member will be allocated a portion of the Net Settlement Fund regardless of whether he/she (A) obtained RTC treatment funded from some other source, such as out-of-pocket expenditures, or (B) did not obtain RTC treatment believing it was not covered.
Each Participating Class Member will receive a monetary award as outlined below.
Each Participating Class Member is responsible for appropriately reporting the proceeds received as a result of this Settlement on his/her taxes, and agrees to hold the Released Parties harmless with respect to any dispute arising from or related to such reporting.