Study Participant definition

Study Participant means a person recruited to participate in the Study.
Study Participant means Michigan, IRIS Nodes, IRIS Partners, or any of them.
Study Participant any person who has been enrolled as study subject in the Study at the Site. (g) „účastník studie“: jakákoli osoba zařazená jako účastník do studie v centru.

Examples of Study Participant in a sentence

  • Unless earlier terminated in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, this Agreement shall continue until complete performance of the Study, i.e. when the last enrolled Study Participant has finished the treatment described in the Protocol all CRFs and any other pertinent Study-related documents have been received by and completed to the reasonable satisfaction of the SPONSOR, and the Study Report has been drafted by SPONSOR.

  • In accordance with Applicable Laws, the SPONSOR shall be liable, even without fault, for any damage incurred by a Study Participant or, in the case of death, his rightful claimants, that arises either in direct or indirect connection with the Study and shall provide compensation therefore.

  • The INVESTIGATOR shall be responsible to obtain prior written informed consent from any Study Participant, in compliance with the Applicable Laws.

  • Each Study Participant must be informed that participation in the Study is voluntary and that the Study Participant can withdraw from the Study at any time without stating any reason.

  • The INVESTIGATOR shall explain to each Study Participant the nature of the Study, its purpose, the procedures, the expected duration as well as the potential benefits and risks.

More Definitions of Study Participant

Study Participant means an individual whose Health Information is part of the Data accessed by the Research Personnel through the Health Systems for the purposes of the Study;
Study Participant means the individual who participates in the Study at the INSTITUTION;
Study Participant means an individual person who has Consented to participate in a research study whereby the Data Producers for that study will be utilizing Brain-CODE.
Study Participant. An individual who participated in the clinical research protocol as either a healthy human or a patient in a specific area of study.
Study Participant means an individual who participates in a clinical trial, either as a recipient of the investigational product under investigation or as a control. The individual may be a healthy person who volunteers to participate in a trial, a person with a condition unrelated to the use of the investigational product, a person (usually a patient) whose condition is relevant to the use of the investigational product.
Study Participant. An individual who participated in the clinical research protocol.
Study Participant. An individual that participates in the Study as set out in article 1.1.3 of this Addendum. Personal Data: All personal data that is collected, revised, processed, corrected of acquired in the context of the Study. Research Staff: All persons who are involved in the Study and who are employees, independent contractors or agents of the Data Processor, including but not limited to: pharmacy, laboratory, radiology, pathology and nursing staff. Processing of Personal Data of Study Participants Processor and Controller shall: Comply with their respective obligations under Applicable Laws while processing or studying Personal Data in connection to the Study, and Not process any Personal Data other than necessary for the Study. The Parties agree to adhere to the principles of medical confidentiality in relation to the enrolled subjects involved in the Study. Personal Data which shall for the avoidance of doubt include personally identifiable information as defined in the Applicable Data Protection Legislation, including Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC and its repealing regulation, the General Data Protection Regulation – EU 2016/679, becoming applicable as of 25 May 2018, shall not be disclosed to Controller save where this is required to satisfy the requirements of the Study or for the purpose of monitoring or adverse event reporting, or in relation to a claim or proceeding brought by the enrolled subject in connection with the Study (provided that this shall not prevent Data Processor from providing data in pseudo-anonymous form, such as through the use of coded data). Each Party hereby agrees to comply with all Applicable Data Protection Legislation. In particular, the Data Processor, processing data on behalf of the Data Controller agrees to: Maintain technical and organizational security measures sufficient to comply at least with the obligations imposed on the Data Controller by Applicable Data Protection Legislation; Restrict the processing of Personal Data for and on behalf of the Data Controller, in accordance with the instructions of the Data Controller and for the purpose of the Study and to ensure the Data Controller’s compliance with Applicable Data Protection Laws; where Data Processor is of the opinion that a data processing instruction by Data Controller is in violation of Applicable Data Protection Legislation, Data Processor will immediately inform Data Controller thereof in writing; Respond promptly to all reasonable and justified enquiries b...