Examples of Education buildings in a sentence
The Congress and its representatives shall have the right to use Board of Education buildings at hours when the buildings are open and not previously scheduled for other use, and the use shall be without charge if used for business meetings.
If a Community Service group’s request to charge the overtime for a particular event to the Town ‘Community Service Account” has been denied by the Town, that group may still make application for use of the Board of Education buildings and/or sites, but shall do so as a Group II.
The Association shall have the right to make use of the County Office of 5 Education buildings, mail service, and electronic means (to the extent otherwise 6 available and legally permissible and during non-work time), facilities and 7 duplicating at reasonable hours when not otherwise in use and to post notices on 8 Association bulletin boards, provided such material is limited to Association 9 business and does not violate state or federal laws.
Discretely Presented Component Units The Lumpkin County Public Building Authority (the “Building Authority”), which provides financing for County buildings and Lumpkin County Board of Education buildings, is governed by a five member board appointed by the Lumpkin County Board of Commissioners.
Scheduled maintenance includes items which will need replacing due to the expiration of its life cycle and include the following: ‐ Boilers‐ Roof‐ Compressors / Chillers‐ Carpet The Chief Operating Officer does a weekly energy audit of all Board of Education buildings.
Healthcare and Education buildings have been a focus for i-Hub due to their intensive energy use profiles and their tendency to be owned in large portfolios.The Living Laboratory Sector Wide projects aimed to enable Healthcare and Education Facilities to address multiple energy challenges - high energy use, peak demand, renewable energy utilisation, energy costs and the environmental impact of energy sources.
The Library and Adult Education buildings, together with all associated land, be purchased from Kent County Council for £2,000,000 plus £80,000 Stamp Duty Land Tax; 3.
Second-year students may secure a locker in one of the Education buildings and must provide their own locks.
That being said, charter schools located in New York City Department of Education buildings may be able to integrate their plans with the host district school.
EPA Asbestos NoticeAll Dale County Board of Education buildings are in Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) compliance regarding asbestos codes.